August 2017
/Speaker: Dawn Cook Ronningen, Hexagons & Mosaics 1840-2016
Tuesday, August 15, 2017, 7pm - 9pm
Do you just love those "Hexie" quilts and all the variations thereof? Join us as Dawn Cook Ronnigen presents Hexagons & Mosaics 1840-2016 and learn about the history of hexagons and mosaic patchwork quilts over 175 years. Dawn will give numerous examples by the decades to help tell the story of the evolution of patchwork. Dawn will bring along about twenty quilts to share with us.
Dawn is an avid collector of antique and vintage quilts, as well as a quilt maker. Her collection spans 180 years of quilt and textile history. Quilting since 1983, Dawn has completed many quilts for charity, friends and family. Retired in 2012 from a 20 year career in Information Technology, Dawn enthusiastically works full time in quilting related activities. She writes a quilt blog and along with her daughter owns a quilt pattern company, Collector With a Needle, which allows other quilters to accurately recreate some of the antique quilts in their collection. An active member of the American Quilt Study Group, she has quilts traveling in their exhibitions, Civil War Quilts and Baskets. Check out Dawn’s blog,
Workshop: Hexagons!, Dawn Cook Ronningen
Wednesday, August 16, 2017, 9am - 4pm
Create a one of a kind project with design assistance. We will cover design options, planning, assembly tips, techniques, and finishing options. Make hand stitched hexagon florets to use in a quilt or sewing accessory. Check the supply list on the Workshops pages of our website.
President’s Letter
By the time you read this newsletter, our July 31 deadline for submitting our quilts will have passed. I can’t wait to see all of your beautiful work on display in October.
Lenore Crawford, our guest speaker in July, was a real treat. I loved seeing her quilts and her class was one of the best I have taken. She easily broke down her design process for us. While we used her patterns in class, she gave us the tools we would need to use our own photos as inspiration for a future quilt.
Our Quilt Show committee is working hard to prepare for our show, and you will be hearing more about volunteering to assist with set up, work at the show, and assist with take down. It will be all hands on deck!
Happy Quilting,
Treasurer’s Report
Balance on 7/1/17 $28,381.47
Income (5/23/17 – 6/23/17) $1161.00
Expenses (5/23/17 – 6/23/17) $2474.14
Balance as of 7/24/17 $27,068.33
Income for this period included: guest fees at July meeting, raffle ticket sales to guild members and other guilds, 2 quilt show vendors, and workshop signups.
Expenses for this period included: Faith Lutheran Church rental fee for June/July workshops, July speaker fees, quilt show expenses.
Submitted by Judi Young, treasurer
Quilt Registrations
We have 219 registered quilts! Thank you for your entries. About 40 entries are still lacking pictures, though, so they aren't yet complete. Photos are due August 2nd at noon. Email them to Be sure to put your entry number in the subject line or just attach the photo to a reply to the confirmation message. Thank you!
Kearstie Grenier
Silent Auction Donations Request
Attention Creative Quilters! Only 9 weeks (or thereabouts) until our wonderful quilt show! Just enough time to make something wonderful (or 2) for the Silent Auction. We have received some beautiful items, and we would like to have about 100 to make for an ample display. For those who have generously contributed, thank you! For those who are busy working on something, we thank you too and look forward to seeing your lovely creation. For those who are awaiting inspiration, we encourage you to dive into a project for us. These items bring a hefty addition to the guild's bottom line. Besides, its fun!
Quilt Appraisals at Quilts from the Village XV
I recently entered five quilts in the show and now have to decide which ones I would like to get appraised. I hope many of you are thinking about getting one or two of your own quilts appraised.
It’s a very interesting process, and you might be pleasantly surprised at the value of your quilt(s). Sandy Schweitzer, AQS Certified Quilt Appraiser, will be appraising quilts at our quilt show. Appraisals take approximately thirty minutes and each appraisal is $50.00 (cash or check); Sandy also donates $5.00 from each appraisal back to our guild.
Please see me at one of our general meetings to sign up. You can also call me or email me to sign up or to ask questions.
Judy Hillebrand
We are slowly collecting items for sale in the Boutique and thank you to those of you that have already donated things. We have a great variety of beautiful work.
If you have promised to make items, please remember that we will need them by the September meeting in order to price and tag. Now that your quilt is done you should have time to work on something small for us. Hooray!
We only have 8 vendors, so if you are at all interested in being a vendor for the show please come to a meeting at 6:00 prior to the VQ meeting on August 15. Bring a sample of the items and the inventory you plan to sell.
Service Update
Thank you to each and every one of you who are making a Quilt of Valor... and some of you who are making 2 or 3! Your creations are needed and so very much appreciated! As the word spreads about the Quilts of Valor program, more and more requests are coming in to the QOV Foundation, both for individual and for group awards... increasing the need for more and more quilts.
Also, thank you for nominating a special Veteran in your life to receive a quilt at our Quilt Show. To date, 17 Veterans have been nominated… we can accept up to 20 names. Nominations from guild members will close at midnight on Friday, September 1. After that date, IF we still need to reach our maximum number of 20, we will contact Veterans who have been nominated through other sources. The nomination form (include link) is available on the VQ website to nominate a friend, relative, co-worker or neighbor who is a Veteran. The nominated Veteran must be able to attend the quilt show on Sat., Oct 14 to be awarded their QOV. Receiving a Quilt of Valor is a once in a lifetime award, a Veteran can receive only one QOV. Active duty military members are eligible to receive a QOV.
Service Committee
Deb Sherrock and Cheryl Mercy
A big “Thank You!” to everyone who helped to distribute the bookmarks and posters to area quilt shops. Instead of spending $75 to $80 on postage we only spent $7.
We are all busy in summertime. Please make sure that you delivered the envelope to the shop. If not, it is not too late! If you find you can’t do that contact Kimberly at and we will take care of it.
At the August meeting we will have more packs of bookmarks for members to share with friends that need to know about our show. Also, a poster is available at our website for you to print. Please be sure you have permission before posting. Thanks everyone for helping to get the word out!
Raffle Tickets
Please remember to pick up your raffle tickets. All members are required to purchase 30 tickets which you my resell (1 for $1 or 6 for $5) or keep for yourself. Bring $25 cash or a check to the August meeting to pay for your tickets. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Dee Elliott or Kathy Avellone and we can arrange to get the tickets to you.
Thanks to those who have already purchased your tickets. Let us know if you need more!
Birthday Blocks
We're coming into the home stretch. Don't forget to bring your block for Alice Hutchinson to the August meeting!
Hanging Sleeve FAQs
Does my quilt need a hanging sleeve (rod pocket)?
Yes! All quilts in the show need a 4-inch hanging sleeve EXCEPT:
- an Art Quilt Challenge
- a donated Quilt of Valor that has NO Room or Section number on its ID card
Temporary sleeves must be securely basted at 2-inch intervals, preferably on both the bottom and top of the sleeve.
Tallgrass Prairie Studio has a great tutorial on adding a permanent 4-in. hanging sleeve.
Want to see a video? American Quilter's Society has a YouTube video about adding a sleeve that includes a sleeve idea for very wide quilts.
Local Quilter Selling Sit Down Longarm
BABYLOCK TIARA—sit down long arm quilter
Upgrading and have to part with my beloved Tiara. If you love to quilt but don’t have room for a long arm, this is the machine for you. Easy to use with lots of extras! Table with table overlay, bobbin winder. Patsy Thompson suspension system, Martelli hoops: 8” round hoop, 14” square, 12” square with 3 piece ruler set (5” straight, diagonal, crazy wave), additional rulers: chevron, clam, wave). Local pick-up. Contact Nancy 847-235-2595 or
Great to see another meeting with many guests — nine in July! Our current membership is 86 and, hopefully, upcoming programs and the quilt show will attract more new members.
Carol and Patricia
Happy Birthday… Note the triple birthdays on August 1!
August Birthdays
Alice Hutchinson, 8/1
Laura Partridge, 8/1
Gayle Springer, 8/1
Kate Mayer Tekampe, 8/25
Jeanie Rock, 8/26
September Birthdays
Nancy Smith, 9/5
Feather Schroeder, 9/12
Lorraine Potts, 9/15
Alice Wynn, 9/16
Tera McBlaine, 9/17
Linda Spring, 9/17
Maggie Schmude, 9/18
Laurie Waldron, 9/24
Mary Dietz, 9/26