Show Information for Members
Show Date and Location
The upcoming quilt show is scheduled for October 24-25, 2025. The show will be held in the gymnasium of the Grayslake campus of the College of Lake County (Building F, 19351 W Washington St., Grayslake, IL).
Important Dates for your Calendar
Last day to register your quilt to hang in the show: July 16, 2025
Last day to register your Quilt of Valor (will not be hung in the show): August 16, 2025
Quilt show set-up: October 23, 2025
Quilt show take-down: October 25, 2025
Art Quilt Challenge
The theme for this year’s challenge is 3-D. See Challenges for more details.
New to the guild?
Take a look at A Beginners Not Entirely Complete Guide to Participating in Quilts from the Village.
Quilts of Valor Nominations and Service Project
Village Quilters will again be honoring some of America's Finest during the Quilts of Valor ceremony at the quilt show on Saturday, October 25, 2025. To nominate a veteran, complete the nomination form and return it to Cheryl Mercy no later than August 15, 2025.
Note: Receiving a Quilt of Valor is a once in a lifetime honor. Please make certain your nominee has never been a recipient prior to your nomination. Contact Cheryl Mercy if you have any questions.
Service project size requirements
If you would like to make your own Quilt of Valor, be sure to follow the size guidelines below.
Recommended Size: 60 inches by 80 inches
Minimum Size: 55 inches by 65 inches
Maximum Size: 72 inches by 90 inches
Silent Auction
Silent Auction is one of the top three income producers for our Quilt Show, generating well over $4,000 in profit for the guild in past shows.
This success is a direct result of the beautiful items you have contributed. This year we are hoping that every guild member will participate, contributing a piece that shows off your quilting talent. Items that are particularly appealing are seasonal wall hangings and table toppers, more elaborate wall hangings, wool applique, small wholecloth pieces and full-size quilts. Whatever you love to do, someone else will love, too.
Once your show entries are complete, please set aside some time to create something special for Silent Auction. Our goal is 100 items, so you can see we need each member’s help. We are asking for new items, made by guild members. We would like to have the items by our September meeting.
Each contribution should be accompanied by a simple form, so we know how best to display it, and because bidders want to know who created it. If you’d like us to highlight something special about the item, please use the back of the form.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Please download and fill out the donation form for each item.
2025 Show Committee
The Quilt Show Committee Chair is Kathy Avellone.
Quilt Show Committee Meetings
Meetings start at 7:00 p.m. (note: this is subject to change).
Our committee will meet the second Tuesday of each month with a few exceptions*. Meetings take place at Fremont Public Library, 1170 N. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL.
Newsletter articles are due to Celia Stratman on or before the 24th of each month.
This is a tentative schedule. Cook Memorial Library is undergoing renovations, so there is not a meeting room available to us. Fremont has a meeting room so long as we get our monthly reservations in before any other group
Art Quilt Challenge
Linda Spring, Sara Solotoroff
Rose Gray, Sari Hurtig, and Robyn McGarrigle
Kearstie Grenier, Enid Mattimiro
Alice Hutchinson, Edie Hirasawa
Carol Stovold, Sue Ann Kuby, and TBA
Raffle Quilt Design
Donna Derstadt, Kate Klein
Quilt Appraisal
Judy Hillebrand
Raffle Quilt Travel
Nancy Giebel
Raffle Quilt Tickets
Susan Surdyk
Peg Schemenauer
Quilts Of Valor
Cheryl Mercy
Show Check-In/Check-Out
Feather Schroeder
Show Equipment
Madge Pierce, Barb Jolley
Show Floor Plan
Kate Klein
Show Marking Floors
Madge Pierce
Show Set-up/Take-down
Sue Minster
Silent Auction
Donna Derstadt, Erica Jarrett
Andrea Krier
Christine Tindell
Tentative Meeting Dates
February 11
March 11
April 1*
May 13
June 10
July 1
August 12
September 9
October 7
Does my quilt need a hanging sleeve (rod pocket)?
Yes! All quilts displayed in the show need a 4-inch hanging sleeve EXCEPT:
an Art Quilt Challenge
a donated Quilt of Valor that will not be hung (it has NO Room or Section number on its ID card (ID cards are distributed before the show)
Temporary sleeves must be securely basted at 2-inch intervals, preferably on the bottom and top of the sleeve.
Tallgrass Prairie Studio has a great tutorial on adding a permanent 4-in. hanging sleeve.
Want to see a video? American Quilter's Society has a YouTube video about adding a sleeve that includes a sleeve idea for very wide quilts.