A Beginners Not-Entirely-Complete Guide to Participating in Quilts from the Village

Who: Village Quilters of Lake bluff/Lake Forest

What: Quilts from the Village XIX

Where: College of Lake County (CLC), Grayslake Campus, Physical Education Building F

When: Friday, October 24 and Saturday, October 25, 2025

Why: The quilt show serves three main purposes: 

  1. It’s a fund raiser for the guild 

  2. It’s a way for guild members to share their work with friends, family, and the public

  3. It’s a way pf prompting and supporting the art of quilting with the public

Every VQ guild member is expected to participate in the show in several ways.

Let’s break that down into categories.


You are not required to enter a quilt in the show, but we hope you will! Whether you are a beginning quilter or an award winning professional, we want you to have a quilt in the show. Celebrate your work! 

Quilts may be personal, made as the result of a VQ workshop, made for the Art Quilt Challenge, or made for the Quilts of Valor Program. 

You may enter as many quilts as you wish. If it turns out that there more quilts than space allows, you will be asked to prioritize which quilts you want to be hung in the show.

Quilts must be made by you. If you use the services of a long-armer give credit to that person on your quilt label.

You may not enter a quilt which has hung in our show before.

Attach a permanent, personal label to the back of your quilt. 

Attach a hanging sleeve to the back of your quilt. Check the VQ website for a tutorial on making the sleeve. You must stitch/baste the sleeve on. No pins!

The last day to register your quilts is July 16th if you expect your quilt to be hung (this will be most of quilts). You have until August 16th to register a Quilt of Valor that you do not want to be hung. All quilts must be registered online. A picture of your quilt is required to complete registration. You will hear more about how to do this from Enid Mattimiro and Kearstie Grenier.

Our cataloging team (Enid and Kearstie ) will create paper labels which you must pin to your quilt for the show. One label will reflect any “story” you want to share about your inspiration for the quilt as well as dimensions, and anything else noteworthy. A second label indicates where you quilt will be hung in the show Use a safety pin, not a straight pin unless you want to risk someone getting stabbed by your pin and bleeding on your quilt! 

It is possible to sell your quilts. The paper label will indicate if your quilt is for sale. If you sell a quilt this way, you are expected to pay the guild a small percentage of your selling price.

Quilt Appraisals

We have a professional quilt appraiser at the show. You may sign-up to have your quilt(s) appraised. There is a fee for this service. Judy Hillebrand organizes quilt appraisals.


This is not a juried show. However, we do award Viewers’ Choice Ribbons. Everyone who attends the show is invited to vote for a favorite quilt in each of four categories. Prizes are awarded for favorite Large Quilt, Medium Quilt, Small Quilt, and Art Quilt Challenge.


VQ Members make items to be sold in the Boutique. Boutique leaders, Robyn McGarrugle, Rose Gray, and Sari Hurtig will talk to you about the sorts of things you might make. Generally, these are smaller items such as placements, cosmetic bags, table runners, etc. You can donate items outright, or you can choose to be a Member Vendor. 

To make donations outright, make items and give them to the boutique people who will put your goods up for sale. All profits go to the guild.

Member Vendors also make items to be sold through the Boutique. However, Members Vendors keep the profits from the sales of the items they make. Then, they owe a percentage of their earnings to the guild.

Silent Auction

VQ Members make and donate quilted items to be sold through the Silent Auction. These items are generally larger and more elaborate than something donated to the boutique. Think lap quilts or wall hangings. Donna Derstadt and Erica Jarrett will be giving you more information about what they would like to have donated.

Quilts of Valor 

On Saturday we hold a Quilts of Valor Ceremony. Veterans are wrapped in a quilt as a thank-you for their service. This is a very moving ceremony you won’t want to miss. Cheryl Mercy organizes this evert. She will be sharing the specific information you need to make a Quilt of Valor (QOV). You may elect to have your QOV hung in the show or not. If you want to nominate a veteran to receive a quilt, talk with Cheryl.

Art Quilt Challenge

The Art Quilt Challenge is a fun contest to create a little 12”X12” 3-D quilt. Linda Spring and her granddaughter Sarah Solotoroff have established the rules for this year’s project. You will hear about the requirements from them. There is a ribbon for the quilt most liked by the public.

Raffle Quilt

The raffle quilt was designed and created by a talented team of VQ members. Some additional guild members also participated by making stars for the quilt. Christine Tindell, Marti Austin, Nancy Zamor, Celia Stratman, and Kearstie Grenier are the masterminds behind this year’s quilt. Donna Derstadt (with an assist from Erica Jarrett) quilted it, and Judy Hillebrand took care of the binding.

Raffle Tickets

VQ Guild members take the raffle quilt to various events to sell raffle tickets. We sell tickets using a QR code through Raffle Creator, an online raffle system. We also have a paper option for raffle sales. Susan Sydrdyk is in charge of Raffle Tickets. She will tell you more about how Raffle creator works. Nancy Giebel is scheduling dates and events for the quilt to make an appearance.

Members are expected to promote the sale of at least $25 worth of tickets. You don’t have to buy them yourself, but you are expected to encourage friends and family to buy tickets. 

Also, volunteer at leaset once to go with another member to an event to sell raffle tickets. Some options include selling at farmers’ markets or at other guilds.


Everyone is expected to help set-up the show, work during the show, and dismantle the show.

We set up on Thursday, October 15. Put this date on your calendar. This is the day you drop off your quilts and then stay to help hang the quilts. Feather Schroeder and her team will check -in your quilts, and then you will report to Sue Minster who is in-charge of getting all the stands and quilts in place. Lunch is provided free to you on Thursday. You will hear more about his as we get closer to our show date. 

After the show ends on Saturday everyone is expected to help take everything down. (Husbands and other able-bodied family members are welcome to assist!). The quilts will be released when all the quilts are down, and all the equipment is properly packed. There are jobs for those with mobility issues.


All VQ Guild members are required to work at least three shifts during the two days of the show. Even if you do not put a quilt in the show, you need to work your shifts. Andres Krier organizes this. You will hear more from her as we get closer to the show. There will be an online system to sign-up for the many jobs available. Those with mobility issues can find several opportunities that allow you to sit as you work. Those who prefer to be active will find duties to suit your energy level.


We maintain a Hospitality Room throughout the show. This is a private room for members and vendors only. You may safely leave your coats, purses, and other personal belongings in the room. There will be food available for purchase on Friday and Saturday. Alice Hutchins and Edie Hirasawa will be giving you the details on food options. 


There will be vendors! Christine Tindell is arranging for a variety of vendors to be at our show. Try to stop in at each booth goods and tank them for being part of our show. You aren’t expected to buy something from every vendor but do stop in each booth and enjoy purchasing from those you have goods you like. 


Members of Village Quilters to do list:

  1. Sew quilts to hang in the show

  2. Sew something to donate to the Silent Auction

  3. Sew something to donate to the Boutique

  4. Sew something for the Art Quilt Challenge 

  5. Make a quilt of Valor

  6. Sell $25 worth of raffle tickets to friends and family*

  7. Invite friends and family to the show

  8. Sell raffle tickets at a guild event

  9. Help set-up the show on Thursday*

  10. Work at least 3 shifts over Friday and Saturday*

  11. Help take down the show*

Whew! That’s a lot!

Items with an asterisk* are required. 

Many members do make something for every category, but it’s not a requirement. Do what you can. All contributions are appreciated!

Important Dates

Wednesday, July 16: Last day to register your quilts for the show

Saturday, August 16: Last day to register QOV which won’t be hung

Tuesday September 16: Tutorial on setting up the stands 

Wednesday, October 22: Equipment delivered to CLC; mark the floors

Thursday, October 23: Show set-up – all hand on deck!

Friday, October 24 : Show!

Saturday, October 25: Show! QOV Ceremony

Take-down the show!: Go home and put your feet up!