December 2016
/December Program: Winter Holiday Party
Tuesday, December 20, 6:30pm - 9:00
It’s time for the annual Winter Holiday Party! Always a wonderful social event, this is a chance to relax and enjoy some time with your fellow guild members.
The cost per member is $10. The food has been ordered from Olive Garden, and we have members who have volunteered to decorate, set up, and clean up.
We will see you early, at 6:30 pm for a delightful meal and an evening of fun together!
President’s Letter
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, enjoyed with family and friends. Now the holiday shopping countdown has begun. However, I have not done any of my shopping, still waiting for gift ideas and inspiration. Too bad my kids are not into fat quarters and silk thread.
November was the kick-off of our Birthday Blocks. Thank you to all who gave me such beautiful blocks. I have cut out all the 5” squares for the remaining months, and am enjoying piecing this great pattern.
Thanks to Jane Reents for sharing her quilts last month and teaching the Judy Niemeyer method in the workshop.
Our Holiday Party, which will be held at our December meeting, will begin early at 6:30 pm. Linda Spring has planned a delicious menu for us. I look forward to seeing you there.
From the Treasurer
Balance 10/25/16: $22,570.83
Income: $491.90
Expenses: $1818.87
Balance 11/27/16: $21,243.86
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Partridge, Treasurer
Brown Bag Hustle! January 17th at 6:30
The Ways & Means Committee is organizing and focusing on the "Brown Bag Hustle" at the January 17th, 2017 meeting. We have the Bags, you bring your stash Treasures. The early start time is 6:30. We can arrange to do pick-ups. For info call Donna Fitzgerald. Her number is in the membership directory.
Donna, Ways and Means Chair
Quilt Show Update
Planning is underway! The 2016 Quilt Show committee chairs met in November for the first time to begin their preparations. While there is no meeting planned for December, the 2017 meetings for quilt show chairs will be the second Tuesday of each month: 1/10, 2/14, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9, 6/13, 7/11, 8/8, 9/12. Note the change of date in February, it should have been the second Tuesday as well.
With all the chairs filled, there are still plenty of opportunities to get involved. The committee chairs will need volunteers, and lots of them! A Quilts of Valor awards presentation is being planned, so the guild will be looking for members to make those quilts and nominations for recipients. There will be a Members’ Boutique and a Silent Auction, both of which rely on members for their wares. Silent Auction pieces are usually small one-of-a-kind quilts or wallhangings made and donated by members. All proceeds from the Silent Auction go to the guild. Members’ Boutique contains items made and sold by members; the guild receives a portion of the profits. In addition, members will be needed to help with layout, publicity, ticket sales, hospitality, white gloves, and many other activities. This is our big fundraiser which provides the majority of funds for speakers and workshops over the next two years. Please be generous with your time and talents.
Birthday Blocks
The birthday blocks program is well underway! We hope you are having fun sewing this pattern.
Don’t forget to bring your blocks to the December meeting for the four ladies who have December birthdays: Christine Tindell, Heidi Stark, Kearstie Grenier, and Sue Leslie.
If you forgot your blocks for the November birthdays, bring them to this month’s meeting or preferably mail them so that the recipients can get started on their quilts.
Request for Help from Lake County Cares
The guild has received a request from Lake County Cares, a non-profit organization which is organizing the first Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Day of Community Service at the Gorton Center on January, 16, 2017. As part of this day of service, they wish to create a 'community quilt' which includes handprints from children in the community - with the idea that we are all one (stitched together). They have many ideas and a number of volunteers to help sew the pieces of the quilt, but they are missing a quilting expert or experts. They have reserved the Nagel Room for this project, and if all goes well, the finished project will be hung in the Gorton Center.
If you would be interested in working with Lake County Cares on this project, helping to design the quilt, advising them in the choice of materials, guiding them in the process, and participating in the day of service, please contact Debra Meredith (847-971-8467).
Online Resource: Saving Your Quilts from Bleeding Dyes
Vicki Welsh's article "Save My Bleeding Quilt" describes how to handle fabric when the dyes bleed (both commercial and hand-dyed fabrics) and how to rescue a quilt when a fabric's dye has stained another fabric. Her research revealed that, in addition to detergent and a large quantity of water, a very long soak improved the outcome. The article includes a downloadable pdf of instructions.
There were no new members in November, but we were pleased to have one guest for the meeting.
Happy Birthday!
Birthday wishes to those who share their birthdays with the holiday celebrations in December and January.
December Birthdays
Heidi Stark, 12/4
Christine Tindell, 12/11
Cathy Tucker, 12/13
Kathy Sorkin, 12/14
Kearstie Grenier, 12/16
Jo Bailey, 12/17
Charon Neul, 12/21
Sue Leslie, 12/23
Sharon Pierluissi, 12/23
Rae Marie Bradley, 12/26
Donna Fitzgerald, 12/27
January Birthdays
Mary Quednau, 1/11
Nancy Salmela, 1/19
Nancy Scott, 1/20
Peggy Miller, 1/23
Have something you’d like to share with your fellow guild members? Articles for the newsletter should be submitted to the editor via email, and are usually due on the 25th of the month. However, due to the editor’s holiday schedule, the December due date will be the 28th. We also welcome pictures, please attach them to the email submission.