November 2016
/November Speaker: Jane Reents, “Love of Paper Piecing”
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Join us for a special lecture and trunk show presented by our own member, Jane Reents as she shares with us her Love of Paper Piecing!
Jane Reents began quilting 9 years ago. She became hooked on 's paper piecing in 2010 and began to make more than thirty quilts. In May 2014, Jane became a Judy Niemeyer Certified Instructor.
In this special lecture and trunk show, you will see many quilts with different techniques that even a beginner can accomplish. You will hear about Jane's quilting journey and the Love of Paper Piecing.
November Workshop: Tea Time Placemats, Jane Reents
Wednesday, November 16 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Join guild member and certified Judy Niemeyer Instructor, Jane Reents, as she teaches us the Judy Niemeyer technique of paper piecing in making "Tea Leaf Placemats". These lovely placemats look really difficult to make with their sharp points and graceful leaf shapes, but Jane will show us how much fun they are to make using these special techniques. You will be so pleased with the results!
NOTE: If you or a friend are interested in taking this workshop, you may register online (now open to the public) and contact Jane to obtain the pattern ($18) which needs to be purchased before the workshop because there is pre-cutting required. Kits (fabric only - does NOT include the pattern) are also available from Jane for $25.
President’s Letter
Thanks to our Service Committee, Deb Sherrock and Cheryl Mercy, for planning our “Octoberfest” meeting last month. By the end of the evening, we had made a beautiful quilt top for the Quilts of Valor project. It was a great opportunity to come together to sew and enjoy each other’s company. Thanks also to Mary Dietz for the refreshments, which kept our energy up. The pattern, designed by June Moore, can be found on the Quilts of Valor web site:
I hope you are inspired by our project to start your own Quilt of Valor. We plan to have a Quilt of Valor award ceremony at the 2017 Quilt Show.
Go Cubs!
From The Treasurer
Balance 9/27/16: $22,797.12
Income: $40.00
Expenses: $266.29
Balance 10/25/16: $22,570.83
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Partridge, Treasurer
The quilt of valor top with the group who stayed to the end, minus those taking pictures!
Octoberfest "Quilt of Valor" A Success!
We did it! Village Quilters came together and completed their goal of making a Quilt of Valor quilt top at the October meeting. A great big "THANK YOU" to all who participated — without the dedication and enthusiasm of each and every one who helped, this could not have been accomplished. Comments like “it was fun to work together", "the runners were so fast, our blocks were still warm when we (sewists) got them back", and "all the activity was energizing” were frequently heard. Thanks especially to those who stayed until the very end, sewing and pressing the final seam. Dawn Larsen has graciously volunteered to quilt our finished quilt top – thank you Dawn!!
Everyone worked very hard.
I hope your involvement in the sew-in at the October meeting inspires you to make your own Quilt of Valor. Show your support and patriotism; make a quilt —or two—on your own or work with a friend! Any block or pattern can be used to make a Quilt of Valor. A Quilt of Valor must be large enough to cover an average-sized adult, with an ideal size of approximately 60” x 80”. The minimum finished size is 55” x 65”, maximum 72” x 90”. See the VQ website (look under Service) for more information.
Proud to be members of Village Quilters,
Deb Sherrock and Cheryl Mercy, Service Committee
Holiday Party
We will be having a Holiday Party at our December 20 meeting. A sign-up sheet was passed around at the October meeting. There will be a $10 charge for the dinner. Please sign up at the November meeting, or contact Barbara Schober directly. We are looking for volunteers to assist with decorations, set-up and clean-up.
Quilt Show News
It's only one year until the next Quilts from the Village show at the Libertyville sports complex. That sounds like a long way off, doesn't it? But when you think about the deadlines that have to be met and all of the details to be ironed out, it's really very, very close.
We are very happy to report that all of the chair positions have been filled.
All subcommittee chairs will begin meeting Wednesday November 9, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the Fremont Public Library in Mundelein on Midlothian Road. We will skip the meeting in December. The remaining meetings will be on the second Tuesday of each month at Fremont. Also, there is no food allowed and only covered drinks, please. Meetings are required for all subcommittee chairs and if you cannot attend, the expectation is to report to the Chairmen prior to the meeting. The meeting schedule is currently posted on the quilt show web page.
It's going to be a great year!
Quilt show 2017 Chairmen,
Madge Pierce and Christine Tindell
Vendor Committee Member, Please Identify Yourself
At the September meeting, someone very generously stepped up and volunteered to work with me on the Vendors’ Committee for the Quilt Show. Unfortunately, I am embarrassed to say, I misplaced your name. Would you please be so kind as to step forward again? I can really use your help. Thank you so much.
Linda Spring
First Birthday Blocks Due!
Hope you’re having fun making birthday blocks! The first batch of birthday blocks are due at the November meeting. Don’t forget to bring 4 blocks in the appropriate colors, one each for: Barbara Schober, Dee Elliott, Erika Eddy, and Yolande Sherrod. Each block should have a slip pinned to it with the name of the recipient and your name as the maker. It’s so much fun to see all the lovely blocks!
Quilting Books Looking for a Good Home
A Lake Forest resident, Lisa Lehmann, contacted us to let us know that a friend recently had to clean out the home of a relative who was moving into a senior care facility. The relative was a quilter who wanted to pass on all her books for another quilter to enjoy. Lisa was the only quilter her friend knew. She would like to pass the books she couldn’t use on to others who might enjoy them. If you are interested, please contact her via email at
Membership News
There were no new members this month.
Happy Birthday!
November Birthdays
Judy Hillebrand, 11/3
Ginny Flock, 11/4
Addie Hansing, 11/12
Barbara J. Peterson, 11/16
Kimberly Jurco, 11/19
Barbara Schober, 11/19
Erika Eddy, 11/20
DeAnna Elliott, 11/21
Betty Holleman, 11/23
Yolande Sherrod, 11/26
RoseAnn Rendl, 11/29
December Birthdays
Christine Tindell, 12/11
Cathy Tucker, 12/13
Kathy Sorkin, 12/14
Kearstie Grenier, 12/16
Jo Bailey, 12/17
Charon Neul, 12/21
Sue Leslie, 12/23
Sharon Pierluissi, 12/23
Rae Marie Bradley, 12/26
Donna Fitzgerald, 12/27