October 2024
/October Program: Layers & Lines: How to Create a Quilting Design with RaNae Merrill
Tuesday, October 15, 7:00 pm – In Person
Come join us as RaNae Merrill answers the question, “How do I decide what designs to put where on my quilt?”
ReNae will discuss Story, Personality, Contrast & Layers. Looking at photos of a wide variety of quilts we'll examine how to apply these concepts to creating a quilting design. And since thread is the “paint” of quilting, we'll also discuss thread color, fiber and weight.
After Layers & Lines, you will have the tools to create quilting designs that take your quilt tops from special to spectacular!
October Workshop: Free-Motion Mastery in a Month: Quantum Leap! with ReNae Merrill
Wednesday, October 16, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Location: Faith Lutheran Church, 680 Deerpath, Lake Forest
Want to learn to do free-motion quilting but don’t know where to start? Can you do a few simple patterns, but you want to expand your creativity? Have you taken other classes and failed? Are you afraid you’ll ruin that beautiful top you spent weeks piecing?
This is the class for you!
RaNae's unique teaching system and specialized tools guide you step-by-step through simple exercises that will get you moving comfortably at the sewing machine and build your quilting skills as you quilt one block at a time. You'll make a quantum leap in your FMQ skills during the class and go home with a practice plan to continue building your skills. You'll leave class saying, "I can DO this!"
Check out the Free Motion Mastery registration page for more information and to sign up for the workshop.
Come Dine with Us!
Would you like an opportunity to get to know our guest speaker a little better? If so, join Nancy, Enid and ReNae Merrill, our October guest speaker, for dinner before the October meeting.
We will be meeting at 4:30 pm at a restaurant still to be determined. If you are interested in joining us, let us know you want to come dine with us. Once we have selected a restaurant, you will receive an email with all the details.
November Program: Reframe Your Color Story with Amy Struckmeyer
Tuesday, November 19, 7:00 pm - In Person
Join Amy Struckmeyer, QuiltCon 2024 speaker, as she shares how to build color palettes for your quilts that create a specific mood, are dynamic, and that tell a story… YOUR story.
In her lecture Amy will give you tools and ideas to gain confidence in creating your own color combinations. She will share how she experiments with temperature, hue, and value to select palettes specific to each of her projects and will help you build upon your own distinctive awareness of color. She will end with a trunk show of her quilts, examples of her continuing experimentation with design and color.
November Workshop: Make. Quilt. Tote.
Saturday, November 16, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Faith Lutheran Church, 680 Deerpath, Lake Forest
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, this workshop will be Saturday, November 16th before our monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 19th.
Take your quilt to the next level of utilitarian awesomeness by creating a practical and beautiful bag! You’ll come to class with two mini quilt tops ready to turn into a one-of-a-kind quilted tote! You’ll learn how to add straight quilting lines to create a durable tote bag shell; how to box corners; how to make and add both a slip pocket and a lining with a zipper pocket; and how to construct a basic lined tote including tips for securely attaching straps/handles.
Don’t already have two mini quilt tops or an idea for a patchwork panel design that would make a great tote? No worries! If you wish, Amy will provide the pattern for her Geometric Tote panel (pictured here) for you to make in advance.
Check out the “Make. Quilt. Tote.” registration page for more information and to sign up for the workshop.
Nancy Zamor and Enid Mattimiro, Co-Program Chairs
Our barn quilt block painting workshop was so much fun, and everyone easily completed their masterpiece! Workshops are an excellent way to learn new skills and get to know other members!
Raffle Quilt News
Quilters who generously volunteered to sew blocks, please return your completed blocks at the October meeting! If you were unable to complete the kits that you took, please return those as we well.
As always, if you have any questions, please contact Christine Tindell or Marti Austin.
The donation quilts for Sleep in Heavenly Peace were piling up at the September meeting! The current total is 44 quilts!
Message from the President
Fall has made it to our area! Time to get out all of your fall quilts and lap quilts to curl up under while watching a movie. It’s a perfect time of the year for showing off your quilts.
It’s also a great time for our guild. We have been holding some wonderful programs and workshops. It was great to see so many of you at our last meeting, proudly delivering quilts for Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Our guild always does an amazing job in both quantity and quality of quilts to be donated.
I hope that all of you are taking notice of our programs and workshops. The programming committee has been working hard to make sure we have consistent programs at our monthly meetings.
Sharon Pierluissi, President
Retreat Information
October 25-27, Hilton Garden Inn, 26225 N. Riverwoods Rd, Mettawa, Illinois - 8:00 am in the ballroom
Please continue to check your calendar to see if you are able to attend the retreat. There are several members who are on the wait list. The earlier that they are notified, the easier it is for them to plan to attend. If you have any questions about what you should bring or have questions about that you should expect, please write or call Marti Austin.
The room is cold. Bring along a sweater or sweatshirt.
You can’t get into the room until 8:00 on Friday morning.
This hotel does not have a bell hop closet to store your luggage or sewing machines. Please take your equipment to your room if you are checking in on Thursday.
The Garage Sale at the Retreat is open to everyone. If you are unable to attend the retreat itself, you are welcome and encouraged to participate in the informal garage sale which will be held from 1 – 3 p.m. in the hotel ballroom on Saturday, October 26! Bring any new (or very like new) notions, fabric, kits, books, or equipment priced by you. There will be a table set up to display these goods. If anything is not sold by 3 p.m., you must take it home with you! (We cannot fill the garbage cans of the hotel with unwanted items.)
The Winter Retreat has been scheduled for January 10-12, 2025!
January 10 is the 21st day of winter, so let’s have a retreat! Plan your break from the winter “blahs”! Members have asked about holding a retreat in January, so we planned one! Sign up will be available on the website on Friday, November 1, 2024 at 8 am! Set your alarm, and don’t celebrate too heavily on Halloween night, or you’ll sleep through that alarm! The cost is $65.00.
If you want to stay at the hotel, send an email stating which days you require a room, the room type, single or double, and if you will be sharing the room. Please name your roommate and list any specifics that you have for your room.
Submitted by Marti Austin
Librarian Needed
Are you ever looking for a book to sharpen a skill, learn new quilting techniques, or look at the pretty designs? We have an extensive quilting library for our guild and we are in need of a librarian who will manage the collection and check books in and out at our monthly meetings. Do you love organizing books? Our library collection is online but probably needs some refreshing. Rosemary Groenwald is willing to maintain that part of the library but we need a volunteer to sit at the table for our members. This is not a board position.
Please contact Christine Tindell for more information.
Treasurer’s Report
Bank Balance as of August 1, 2024: $39,024.68
Income: $3,370.00
Expenses: $335.10
Ending Bank Balance as of August 31, 2024: $42,059.58
August income was from retreat fees ($2,080), workshop fees ($1,125) and membership and guest fees ($165). August expenses were for raffle quilt fabric ($224.32) and electronic transaction processing fees ($110.78).
Respectfully submitted, Melanie Houser, Treasurer
Membership Report
Oh, my gourd! We had 50 members in attendance at September’s meeting! Let’s keep this momentum going!
Please remember to wear your name badges at the meetings (or else you’ll have to fork over a quarter). Also keep a look out for recently joined members with our membership Village Quilters badges.
Lorraine Potts and Robyn McGarrigle are your membership co-chairs. If you have a question, please feel free to reach out to us!
Happy October Birthday:
10/31 - Barbara Didier
10/27 - Candy Gerber
10/2 - Rosemarie Groenwald and Diane Hines
10/29 - Karen Jacobsen
10/15 - Barb Jolley
10/26 - Sue Ann Kuby
10/5 - Mary Phemister
10/6 - Sarah Stannard
10/22 - Carrol Stovold
10/16 - Myretta Taylor
10/8 - Nancy Zamor
Invitation from Prairie Patch Quilt Guild
The Prairie Patch Quilt Guild is hosting Jane Sassaman for her lecture “Quilting Against the Odds” on Monday, October 14 at Shepherd of the Lakes Church, 285 E Washington St. in Grayslake. Parking and entrance are at the back of the building. The gathering begins at 9:00 am, the meeting begins at 9:30 am, and the speaker will start following the meeting at approximately 10:15 am.
We are opening this meeting to others and hope you can join us. The guest fee for non-members is $10 for this occasion.
Please contact Barb Jolley for information.