October 2023
/October Program - VQ History – 40 Exciting Years!
Tuesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm
Take a stroll down memory lane with VQ Guild Historian Kearstie Grenier. Her PowerPoint presentation will feature photos from the last 40 years of the Village Quilter’s quilts and activities. Select photo albums will also be displayed for members to view.
Quilting has certainly evolved in the last 40 years, and we will explore the way those changes have affected the guild and its members. Those of you who have been with us for many years will have a chance to reminisce together, and new members may gain some insight into our shared passion for quilts and quilting. As we prepare for the next decade, it’s good to look back at our beginnings and have a clearer understanding of this journey we are taking together.
It’s Show Time!
Only three weeks remain until Quilts from the Village XVIII! One year ago, the quilt show committee members gathered to begin planning for this show. Well, here we are!
The week of October 15th will be intense. There is a guild meeting on Tuesday, floor taping and equipment delivery on Wednesday, show set-up on Thursday, and then the two days of our show on Friday and Saturday.
It all promises to be a whirlwind of fabulousness! Over 285 quilts on display – 50 of them Red and White. Charming Art Quilt Challenge quilts, stunning Silent Auction items and a Boutique overflowing with handcrafted beauties. In honor of our 40th Anniversary there will be a running presentation on the history of the guild. Did I mention there will be eleven vendors?
On Saturday there will be nine veterans honored in a Quilts of Valor Ceremony (bring a hankie). Some lucky raffle winner will become the new owner of Moonlit Poppies, and the Viewers’ Choice winners will be announced. Whew!
In the coming weeks you will be receiving two newsletters dedicated to quilt show information. You will get a timeline of events, directions to the venue, information about lunch options, etc.
All of this is happening because you, the members of Village Quilters, have participated in so many ways! It’s your show! Be proud of all you have accomplished! Participation Trackers will be collected at the November guild meeting.
If you have questions about the show, please don’t hesitate to ask! Also, make friends with the Village Quilters website as there is a wealth of information to be found there.
Kathy Avellone, Quilt Show Chair
Volunteer Staffing: We Need YOU!
If you haven’t yet volunteered for the quilt show, now is the perfect time. There are a number of key areas requiring your assistance. Check the Members' Show Info page to sign up. Scroll down and you will see the button called Choose Your Spots, which will take you directly to the SignUp website. We need all members to participate to have a successful show. If you need assistance with the SignUp website, please don’t hesitate to contact me, or. . .
Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp: signup.com/go/iofQVDg
Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
Want to check your spots you have signed up for?
From the Village Quilter's website:
Hit the SHOW button.
From the dropdown menu hit MEMBERS SHOW INFO
Then on the page that comes up, hit the Red CHOOSE YOUR SPOTS button
Then hit Continue as (your name)
Then the SignUp page comes up. On the blue bar that has SignUp to the right end of this bar are 3 short lines. Hit on those 3 lines and a drop-down menu comes up.
The first option in the drop-down menu is My Spots.
When you hit on My Spots you are shown all of the spots that you have signed up for.
If you are having trouble, email me and I will screenshot a picture to you of your assignments.
On Friday and Saturday please check in at the admissions table 15 minutes before your shift to get you name badge, check off your name and other details you might need.
The week before the show if you must cancel you will need to find a replacement for your shift before you cancel!
We still need more members for Thursday setup! Invite family members and friends to help. We will provide lunch, so we need an accurate head count. Bring your work gloves, wagons, and ladders, clearly marked. Don’t forget to bring lots of energy!
Any questions or concerns? Contact me!
Andrea Krier
Quilt Check-In/Check-Out
Quilts will be accepted between 7:45 and 9:30 am on Thursday. Our Check-In Clerical Team and Runners will gather at 7:30 am to prepare for the day and learn the job by checking in one another’s quilts!
Check-Out will begin on Saturday afternoon after the entire show has been taken down, sometime after 4 PM. Please consider signing up to help with the Clerical Team or the Runners, since we will be most efficient only if we have a solid staff. Thanks so much to all who have volunteered!
Feather Schroeder
Volunteer & Vendor Hospitality
The hospitality room for quilt show volunteers and vendors will be open on Thursday at 7:30 am, and on Friday and Saturday at 8:30 am. You can use it to safely store your purses, jackets and other personal items, as well as a resting place away from the public view to take a break between volunteer shifts.
We will provide:
Basic snacks and water throughout all 3 days (free)
A variety of deli sandwiches (free) for set-up day volunteers on Thursday only
A variety of deli sandwiches (for purchase) during the show days, Friday and Saturday. In order to purchase a deli sandwich, please bring CASH or CHECK for $7.00 per sandwich.
Celia Stratman & Nancy Zamor
Silent Auction
Our members are talented and generous! Here are a few examples of the donations we have received.
Due to the fact that the silent auction proceeds are all profit, this part of our show is extremely important as well being lots of fun!
Thank you to everyone who has donated. If you have more beautiful items for us, please let us know as soon as possible!
Donna Derstadt and Erica Jarrett
THANK YOU to all who have donated the awesome items to the Boutique so far! Additional donations? Please notify one of us to arrange a time and place to pick them up. Suggested prices would be appreciated!
Boutique set-up will begin after all the drapes are hung on set-up day. Member vendors are asked to help with setting up and displaying their items. We would also appreciate the help of any members who have completed their previously assigned tasks.
We need quilt racks, small shelves, small containers, baskets or anything you think that would help with the display of items. You can bring them to the Guild meeting on October 17 or call one of us.
Barb Jolley & Madge Pierce
Quilt Appraisals
If you have never had a quilt appraised before, I think you will enjoy the experience. Most appraisals are for insurance value, whether the quilt is an antique or contemporary. It is important to know the replacement value of your quilts in case of loss or damage due to circumstances beyond your control such as fire, flood or mishandling.
Please contact me to sign up for an appraisal at our quilt show. The appraisal will take approximately thirty minutes, costs $50.00 for each appraisal (payable with cash or check at the time of your appointment) and you will learn much about your quilt. You can reach me by phone, email or at our next general meeting. You may also sign up during the quilt show.
Judy Hillebrand
Christine’s Chatter
October may be my favorite month of the year. I love the brisk air, changing leaves, pumpkin flavored everything and fresh picked apples. This is also the month of our Biennial quilt show. I’m sure you all are still actively getting items ready for the boutique and silent auction. I am very excited for this show as we celebrate our 40th anniversary. I am proud to be a member of this organization and have made great friendships over the years.
Please note that our November meeting will be a week earlier on the 14th instead of the 21st due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
We will meet as a board on October 3rd at my house. Remember that any member is invited to attend a board meeting! If you want to come, just let me know.
Our last quilt show committee meeting will be on the 10th. It is a very busy time for our guild and soon the show will be in the books.
Have a wonderful fall. Enjoy the crisp beautiful weather.
Birthday Blocks – 2024
Don’t miss out on the fun! The sign up deadline is October 31!
We are making the Positivity 2022 QAL Block by Sew Preeti Quilts.
Preeti has removed the tutorial from her website, but I will write up a set of instructions that will be distributed with the Birthday Block participation list in November.
Pictured is an example of what the finished quilt can look like.
How do I sign up? Birthday Block Sign Up Form
How does the Birthday Block Exchange Work?
In November, I will send out a list of all the members who are participating in the Birthday Block exchange including their birthday month, fabric choices and instructions on how to make the blocks.
Each month you will make two blocks for all the participants who have a birthday that month based on their preferences.
In your birthday month, you will receive blocks from all the other members participating in the exchange.
Enid Mattimiro, Birthday Block Coordinator
Here are examples of the birthday block - the focus fabric that you choose will be located in the middle of the block.
Looking for a Quilting Bee? Join us!
On the third Thursday of each month, Sunshine Quilters meets at the State Bank of the Lakes, 11 Commerce Drive, Grayslake. Sunshine Quilters is a Village Quilters bee that doesn’t get much publicity, but it is an open bee so there is no limit as to how many can attend. There is plenty of room!
We meet in the community room which can be accessed by taking the elevator to the lower level as soon as you enter the main door of the bank. The room is reserved for us from 10:00 to 3:00 and is set up so we work at tables. Bring hand work, bring your machine, bring your cutting mat. There is an ironing board and iron for us to use. You can bring a lunch and eat there. The only rule is that we cannot leave any garbage from our lunches. What you carry in, you must carry out!
Several people arrive at 10-ish, others get there at 11:00 or as late as 1:00. Most come to sew, some to simply visit! If you are interested is coming on the third Thursday and are a little shy, call Kathy Heusinkveld, Mary Dietz or Marti Austin to find out more, or just drop by! New members, we would love to get to know you better.
We will not meet on Oct. 19 because we will be all setting up the quilt show. We will meet again in November.
Join Sunshine Quilters if you like to laugh, solve lots of problems, help or receive help for quilting dilemmas. You won’t regret coming to this bee!
Marti Austin
Treasurer’s Report
Balance as of August 1, 2023 - $30,378.67
Income: $1583.08
Expenses: $1059.42
Ending balance as of August 31, 2023 - $30,902.33
Income was from Raffle tickets and Membership
Expenses were for Programs and Rent.
Respectfully submitted, Madge Pierce, Treasurer
Membership Report
Please welcome new member Emily Erwin!
Beginning November 1st through April 30th, 2023, dues are $25 for the remaining 2022-2023 fiscal year. Invite a friend to join our fun. We love new members! If you have any questions about VQ Membership, please contact Andrea Krier or Sharon Pierluissi
Happy October Birthday to the following members!
Rosemary Groenwald - 10/2
Diane Hines - 10/2
Karen Jacobsen - 10/29
Barb Jolley - 10/15
Sue Ann Kuby - 10/26
Mary Phemister - 10/5
Sarah Stannard - 10/6
Carrol Stovold - 10/22
Myretta Taylor - 10/16
Nancy Zamor - 10/8