Quilt Show News: 2 Weeks Before the Show
/General Information to Help You Navigate the Show
Quilts from the village XVIII is being held in the Gymnasium in Building (F) on the College of Lake County’s Grayslake Campus.
Building F entrance.
CLC Entrance on Washington.
The address for your GPS is 19351 West Washington St., Grayslake, IL 60030-1198
CLC has main two entrances. Both are off four lane roads with traffic signals and dedicated turning lanes. If you use the official address, your GPS navigation will take you to the Washington Street entrance. This is the simplest way to the venue.
Driving Directions
Recommended: From Washington Street turn into CLC onto Lancer Lane.
Go to the first stop sign.
Turn right onto Willow Way.
Drive past the parking lots and you will see the P.E.building (F) ahead slightly to your left.
Park in any of the nearby lots.
You may choose to enter the campus from Route 45.
Turn onto Brae Loch Road.
Drive past the green space to Lancer Lane which is the first road you will come to.
Turn right onto Lance Lane and drive to the stop sign at Willow Way.
You will pass the James Lumbar Center and all the academic buildings. They are not in alphabetical order so don’t bother to look for building F.
Turn left onto Willow Way and drive past the parking lots until you see the P.E. building (F) ahead of you slightly to the left.
Park in any of the nearby lots
For the more adventuresome, there is another way into the campus if you live near Saddlebrook or Grayslake
Tke Route 120 to Atkinson Road.
Go North on Atkinson to the traffic light at Brae Loch Road. Turn right.
Follow Brae Loch to just past the baseball field where you will see the sign for Willow Way.
Turn left onto Willow Way The road curves around a bit past a pond and the solar field but keep going, and you will drive right to the front of the building.
There are several parking lots near building F. You may park in any of them. A sign at Lot 7 indicates it is reserved for CLC staff, but we have permission to park there.
Keep in mind that school is in session and the lots may fill up, especially on Thursday. An early arrival will get you a closer spot to the building. Consider dropping your things off at the building entrance and then park away from the building.
Please leave the closer parking spots for our attendees on Friday and Saturday.
Do not block the garage door entrance at any time.
How to Drop Off Attendees
You may stop briefly in front of the entrance to Building F to drop off people, but do not leave your car unattended.
The quickest way to return to park (or to exit on Washington Street) is to circle Building F. This is quick and the easiest way to avoid getting lost, but be aware that the road behind the building is rougher road and borders a large maintenace building. Go slowly and be aware of other motorized vehicles (carts, riding mowers).
Lunch is being provided gratis to all the workers on Thursday. Expect a variety of sandwiches and chips, etc.
On Friday and Saturday, you may purchase sandwiches for $7. Payment may be made by cash or check.
On Thursday Friday, and Saturday CLC will be operating a concession window with food and snacks such as pizza, hot dogs, and soft drinks.
Want to leave the venue for a break? CLC operates a café located between buildings B and C.
Somethings Brewing is a favorite local coffee shop and café. It is in the strip mall directly across from the Washington Street entrance.
Jimmy John’s Sandwiches is located in the same strip mall.
Show Schedule
The doors to building F open at 7:30 am every morning.
The Aerobics Room is our Hospitality Room. You may safely leave personal belongings there on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Thursday, October 19, 2023, Quilt Show Set-up
7:30 am
Feather and her team meet to get ready to check-in the quilts
7:45 am – 9:30 am
Quilt Check-in: Use safety pins to secure your id cards to the lower left-hand corner on the back of your quilt. Fold each quilt so that the id card is showing.
Set-Up: Report for set-up assignments
Bring your tools, wagons, and ladders,into the gym, and report to Sue Minster for your work assignment.
11:00 am
Lunch is available throughout the day in the Aerobics Room
Noon – 4:00 pm
Vendors arrive
Friday, October 20, 2023, Day 1 of the Show
8:45 am
1st shift workers arrive. Check in with Andrea Krier before you start your shift.
9:00 am
Quilts from the Village XVIII opens to the public.
11:00 am
Lunch is available throughout the day in the Hospitality Room.
5:00 pm
The show closes for the day.
Saturday, October 22, 2023, Day 2 of the Show
8:45 am
1st shift workers arrive. Check in with Andrea Krier before you start your shift.
9:00 am
Admissions opens for day 2.
11:00 am
Lunch and snacks are available throughout the day in the Hospitality Room.
12:30 pm
QOV honorees begin arriving with their families.
1:00 pm
QOV Ceremony followed by a reception for all attendees.
Raffle winner will be selected.
Viewers-choice winners will be announced and awarded ribbons.
4:00 pm The show closes.
Vendors leave.
Take-down commences. Everyone helps!
No quilts will be released until the entire show is down, everything is packed for the movers, and the room is clean.
Appraisals — It’s Not Too Late!
I am pleased to report that the appraisal spots are filling up. However, it is not too late to reserve thirty minutes for your appraisal at the quilt show.
Suzanne Swenson has been quilting since 1975, and became an AQS Certified Appraiser of Quilted Textiles in 2002. Take advantage of her vast knowledge and training by reserving your spot for one appraisal at our quilt show. The cost is $50.00 (cash or check only) payable at the time of your appointment. Please contact me by phone, email or at our next general meeting. You may also sign up at the quilt show.
Judy Hillebrand
Quilt Appraisal Chair
Staffing — Critical Volunteer Spots Are Still Open
Thank you to the members who have volunteered for the show. If you have not signed up yet, or can offer more of your time, we have openings in key areas. Please consider volunteering for the following:
Equipment Depot, Thursday starting at 8:00 am, we need 3 more volunteers. These members will be responsible for handing out drapes, prepackaged straps and hooks and conduit, 3-4 members can be sitting.
Quilt Show Set up day, Thursday starting at 8:00 am, only 35 members have signed up to set up the quilts, we need more hands on deck.
Silent Auction on Friday, 2:00-5:00, Silent auction on Saturday 2:00-4:00 pm
We need 3 more members for Friday and Saturday last shift. On the last shift two people to take down sold items, place them under the bid sheets. 1-2 people to highlight the winners' names on the bid sheets, then later help the winners find their bid sheets for payments (once the items are placed with the bid sheets) then take the paid sheet from the winner, remove the clips and tags, hand the item to the winner, then file the paid bid sheet.
2 people to take payments (One for cash and checks, one for credit card sales.)
1 or more above people to call winners who have not claimed their items yet and plan for payment and delivery. It would be helpful if that person could also take manual credit card payments since several wanted to do that. Making these calls right away on Friday enables many winners to return Saturday to pick up and pay for their items.
Membership History Table, Saturday, 11:30-2:00 pm. No one has signed up, we need 1 volunteer. Answer questions regarding the guild and membership and keep an eye on the iPad.
Admissions, Saturday 2:00 -4:00 pm, 1 more volunteer.
Hospitality, Saturday, 11:30 -2:00 pm. No one has signed up.
Visit the Members' Show Info page to sign up or contact me and I can sign you up.
Staffing Chair, Andrea Krier
Show time is coming up fast! First a big THANK YOU to all that have donated the awesome items to the Boutique, so far! Additional donations? Please notify one of us to arrange a time and place. Suggested prices would be appreciated!
Setting up the Boutique will begin after all the drapes are hung on set up day, October 19. Member vendors are asked to help display their items. Those of you who are done with your assigned duties that day—we would appreciate the help of all members.
We need quilt racks, small shelves, small containers, baskets or anything you think that would help with the display of items. We also need a clothes rack for hanging quilts that are for sale. You can bring them to the Guild meeting on October 17 or call one of us.
Barb Jolley & Madge Pierce
Boutique co-chairs