January 2024
/January Program – The Brown Bag Hustle!
Tuesday, January 16
Bring your crafty friends who love a good bargain! Also bring anything and everything you wish to give away including fabric, thread, batting, stuffing, rulers, patterns, quilt books, sewing equipment, lamps, yarn and knitting things, ribbon, lace, fat quarters, and yardage. You have been so generous in the past and we’re looking forward to a repeat!
DATE & LOCATION: Tuesday January 16th, Grace United Methodist Church in Lake Bluff
TIME: 5 pm for members to drop off their own donations; 6 pm the brief meeting begins with the hustle immediately following!
RAFFLE TICKET PRICES: 6 for $5; 15 for $10; 20 for $15; and 35 for $20
Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards will be accepted
There will be no guest fee for attendees who aren’t members, so invite everyone
Donna Fitzgerald, Ways & Means
February Program – Krista Moser of “The Quilted Life”
Tuesday, February 20 – 7 pm via Zoom
Krista Moser will give her lecture, “Diamonds are a Quilter’s Best Friend.” She will discuss her quilting journey, starting as a young girl and eventually designing quilts and patterns.
Krista is the designer of the 60 Degree Diamond Rulers for Creative Grids and has published dozens of patterns using the rulers, with more in development. She loves symmetry and clean lines with bold colors and shapes that tessellate in all directions.
See more at kristamoser.com.
February In-Person Workshop – Free “Nifty Sixty” Sew-in
Wednesday, February 21, 9 am – 3 pm
60 degree ruler
Faith Lutheran Church, 680 W. Deerpath Rd., Lake Forest
Join us for a fun-filled day using your 60-degree or 60-degree diamond ruler. Pick your favorite pattern, bring some fabric, and stitch up a beautiful quilt. Krista Moser has many patterns for purchase, plus a few free ones on her website. There are also countless other patterns from other websites; Missouri Star is one.
The object of the day is to sew your own pattern but to look to each other for any help needed, from making fabric choices to stitching all those points together.
60 degree diamond ruler
There are many free tutorials available on the use of the 60-degree and 60-degree diamond ruler
How to use the Creative Grids 60-degree Diamond Ruler by Krista Moser is on the Fat Quarter Shop Blog, Jolly Jabber.
Krista also has YouTube tutorials for some patterns.
Missouri Star has a Triple Play Tutorial: 3 New 60 Degree Triangle Quilt Tutorials with Jenny, Misty, and Natalie.
Since there is no formal instruction for the day, the sew-in will be FREE to attend.
RSVP to Cheryl Mercy or Kathy Sorkin as we need a head count for set-up.
Please do not copy or share a purchased pattern.
March Program – Diane Harris of “Stash Bandit”
Tuesday, March 19 – 7 pm via Zoom
Join us as Diane Harris presents her lecture, “Make Extraordinary Scrap Quilts”. She answers the question of how to make a successful scrap quilt. We will learn her best tips and secrets during this trunk show of over 50 scrap quilts made over 30 years.
Find out more about Diane at stashbandit.net.
March Workshop – Diane Harris – Ahead of the Curve: Improvising a Round
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 9am – 3pm – via Zoom
Join us as Diane teaches how to cut and sew curves while paying attention to the value and scale of your fabrics so that your results are smashing. She’ll cover many ideas for adding machine quilting details and hand-stitched embellishments. We’ll end the day with Diane showing how to finish with a facing instead of a binding.
Happy Stitching,
Cheryl Mercy and Kathy Sorkin
Christine’s Chatter
What a wonderful celebration of the holidays we experienced at our December meeting! Bobbie Etchell and Cindy Heineman went over and above to make the evening festive. I always love a good white elephant exchange and ours didn’t disappoint! Lots of chatter and laughter filled the evening. Everyone left the gathering full of the spirit of the season, and I want to especially thank the members who assisted with clean up.
January brings us our annual Brown Bag Hustle. Even though I have far too much in my stash, I always find something to bid on. I have made completed many items over the years for the quilt show silent auction and the boutique from things I acquire at this event!
Looking ahead, our February and March speakers will be via Zoom. I am working with the church to be able to still meet in person in February with our speaker via Zoom. All of the technical issues have not been resolved so please stay tuned for details! The March meeting will definitely be entirely Zoom as the church is a polling place and our meeting is on election day.
Do you have quilting goals or resolutions for the new year? I always do, but then little things distract me. Just today I started two table toppers for Christmas which have been in the “future projects” bin. Well, quilting is supposed to be fun, so that’s my excuse for having way too many UFOs!
May 2024 bring you many blessings, good health and accurate 1/4” seams,
Scenes from the Holiday Party on December 19: Our hosts Cindy and Bobbie, the popular snowman centerpieces, and some shenanigans surrounding the white elephant panel gift exchange!
Treasurer’s Report
Bank Balance as of October 31, 2023: $47,101.99
Income: $793.00
Expenses: $9,266.85
Ending Bank Balance as of November 30, 2023: $38,628.14
Nearly all the income and expenses derived from the quilt show. Income was received from the Silent Auction and Boutique donations, and four memberships. Expenses were from late clearing checks from the show (venue rental, hospitality and publicity), the annual insurance payment, the payouts for member vendors’ share of Boutique sales and Boutique sales tax remittance.
Respectfully submitted,
Melanie Houser, Assistant Treasurer
Membership Report
Welcome New Member Laurie Golden!
Beginning November 1st through April 30th, 2024, dues are $25 for the remaining 2023-2024 fiscal year. Invite a friend to join our fun. We love new members!
The VQ roster of members will be updated and posted online in January. Please check the current roster, and let us know ASAP if there are any changes in your information. The roster is updated on the VQ website in January, April, and October. New member contact information and changes in current member information will appear in those months.
If you have any questions about VQ Membership, please contact Andrea Krier or Sharon Pierluissi.
Happy January Birthday to the following members!
Cindy Heineman – 1/05
Linda Zdebski – 1/25