December 2023
/December Program – Holiday Party!
Tuesday, December 19, 6:30 pm
Please join us in our lovely meeting room for a festive evening with friends, food and FUN. Dinner will be provided and the cost will be $10.00 per member.
To add to the fun of the evening, we will host a traditional White Elephant game. Those who wish to participate will need to bring a wrapped fabric PANEL or 1 yd of FABRIC. Your item does not need to be holiday themed, but it certainly can be. Let's see what the most coveted panel or fabric will be this year, and who will end up with it!
We will also be collecting non-perishable food items for charity, if you wish to donate. Carrol Stovold has graciously offered to distribute these items to help those in need during the holiday season. There will be bags in the upstairs lobby to place your items in, so you don’t need to bring them downstairs!
If you haven't already signed up you need to do it right away! Call Bobbie Etchell, whose contact details can be found in the membership directory in the members only section of the website.
Your hosts, Bobbie Etchell & Cindy Heineman
January Program – The Brown Bag Hustle!
Tuesday, January 16
Bring your crafty friends who love a good bargain! Also bring anything and everything you wish to give away including fabric, thread, batting, stuffing, rulers, patterns, quilt books, sewing equipment, lamps, yarn and knitting things, ribbon, lace, fat quarters, and yardage. You have been so generous in the past and we’re looking forward to a repeat!
DATE & LOCATION: Tuesday January 16th, Grace United Methodist Church in Lake Bluff
TIME: 5:00 p.m. for members to drop off their own donations; 6:00 p.m. the brief meeting begins with the hustle immediately following!
RAFFLE TICKET PRICES: 6 for $5; 15 for $10; 20 for $15; and 35 for $20
Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards will be accepted
There will be no guest fee for attendees who aren’t members, so invite everyone
Donna Fitzgerald, Ways & Means
Special Invitation from the Northern Lake County Quilters Guild
Hello fellow Quilters! NLCQG is proud to announce the start of our 2024 program season with none other than the incomparable Jenny Doan from The Missouri Star Quilt Company! Jenny will take us on her personal quilting journey, her story of family, faith, the power of giving, and how she stitched an American Dream! Please join us for our zoom night with Jenny on Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 7 pm.
Registration for non-members of the NLCQG will be from December 8, 2023 to December 31, 2023 at 9 am. There is a $10 fee to attend this one-time event and the limited space is on a first come first serve basis. The attendance link cannot be shared; it will allow only the individual using the registered email to enter the event.
To register, please contact NLCQG at with the following information:
First and last name (must be the name you use when entering the zoom event)
Email address
How you will pay (Check, Zelle, or PayPal). If paying by check, you will be emailed a mailing address. If using Zelle or PayPal, you will be emailed an online link.
We will be collecting questions for Jenny from participants in advance, so if you have a specific question please include it along with your registration.
Feel free to contact us with any questions, and we look forward to sharing this unique opportunity with you in the new year!
Christine’s Chatter
I’m writing this as we are wrapping up a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and starting Christmas preparations. The decorations are almost finished and shopping and baking have begun. I love the holiday season and this is my first in 43 years not having to deal with the usual stress of working. I may even get Christmas cards out this year. How are your preparations going?
Our November meeting was so much fun as Kathy and Cheryl brought us Strip Poker. I tried to lose as much as possible but keep having good rolls. All the fabric that I won is now incorporated into my stash which is slowly shrinking overall because I am up to my ears in stash sorting! I have more fabric to give away than can be dealt with at our brown bag auction, therefore I am giving most of it to three organizations that make quilts for charity. As of this writing, I have gone through 10 bins of fabric. I still have 5-6 bins left to sort, but right now my stash is more user friendly than it has been for a long time!
December brings us our holiday social and I hope you all have registered to attend. I look forward to this every year. Bobbie Etchell and Cindy Heineman are our hostesses. We will have a White Elephant with either fabric or a panel. I love this game.
It is so delightful to have so many new members. Our November meeting was the perfect time to rub elbows with these ladies.
May your holidays be joyous and a time to spend with your loved ones,
Old members and new members enjoying Strip Poker at the November meeting!
Third Thursday Sunshine Quilters Announcement
The bee that meets at the State Bank of the Lakes on the third Thursday of the month may not have anyone attending on December 21. If you would like to attend on that day and don’t want to be the only one there, call or email Marti Austin or Kathy Heusinkveld to find out if others plan to attend.
Marti Austin
Boutique Announcement
Thank you to all who donated the many great items to the Boutique at our Quilt Show.
We had compliments about the display and the extra distance between the tables. Our volunteers all did an awesome job of taking care of our customers and refreshing the display items. All these things resulted in over $6000 in sales!
An inventory is being made of the items not sold. Some will be held for the Brown Bag Hustle. If anyone would like to buy any of these at a very reduced price, they can reach out to Barb Jolley. Any items left over will be donated to charities.
Thanks to Barb for developing the computer program for check out and reconciling the sales.
Madge Pierce and Barb Jolley
Treasurer’s Report
Balance as of 9/30/2023: $29,789.48
Income: $19,762.18
Expenses: $4,062.09
Ending Ledger Balance as of 10/31/2023: $45,489.57
Nearly all the income and expenses derived from the quilt show. Significant show related expenses remain to be paid in November.
Respectfully submitted,
Melanie Hauser, Assistant Treasurer
Membership Report
Membership has exciting news! Several new members joined our guild recently, and five of them have joined since our Quilt Show. For those of you who have been members for a while, please make sure to introduce yourself to our new members as you see them at meetings. With all of the new members that we have had in the last few months, our membership is now over 100!
We are thrilled to welcome our newest members to the guild. Please welcome Linda Zdebski from Chicago, Susan Zdebski from Chicago, Floriann Gulik from Des Plaines, Sari Hurtig from Mundelein and Chris Limas from Gurnee. All of them attended our last meeting and had a fun introduction to our guild by playing Strip Poker.
We currently have a reduced rate of $25.00 to join our guild. Please remember this and spread the word to any of your friends who might be interested in joining Village Quilters and meeting a wonderful group of talented quilters.
If you have any questions about membership or if you have any changes in your personal information please contact Andrea Krier or Sharon Pierluissi, membership chairs. We have made several changes to our roster, including corrections and new members. These changes will not show up on our website for a couple of months.
Happy December Birthday to the following:
Jo Bailey - 12/17
Jan Barnes - 12/13
Rae Marie Bradley - 12/26
Pamela Eulberg - 12/6
Donna Fitzgerald - 12/27
Jill Gordon - 12/15
Kearstie Grenier - 12/16
Sharon Pierluissi - 12/23
Kathy Sorkin - 12/14
Christine Tindell - 12/11
Virginia Underwood - 12/18