April 2019
/Congratulations to our members, Ginny Flock and Barb Jolley for the quilt Sunstruck which has been chosen as a semi finalist in the 2019 AQS Quilt Week in Paducah this month, April 24-27. Village Quilters members are proud of your creativity and skill in creating this work. We wish you the best of luck in the final judging.
Edie and I are now ending our year as Program Chairs and we both hope that each of you have been able to take something home from our efforts to add to your basket of techniques and ideas for reducing your stash. From the simple confetti 9-patch, the Lemoyne star, the many ways to use precuts, digging deep into your stash to "count" the scrappy abacus blocks, learning about color and how to use it and all the small ideas for helping you accomplish your goal. We want to thank all of you for your participation in the Quilt of Valor Night and finally in our discussion with the longarm quilters who help complete the many beautiful projects you have made this past year. It has truly been our pleasure to spend time entertaining you and helping you through the workshops. We also want to thank those of you who helped make our workshops a joy to look forward to each month. It has been eye opening, fun, energizing, educational and most of all our sincere pleasure. We ask that you support the next Program Chairs accomplish their year with the same dedication to task and spend as much time as you can drawing from this amazing well of knowledge.
Have a Great Day!
Barb Jolley
MB Services, Longarm Quilting
More Programing
2019-20 Programs
We have a new lineup of programs for the 2019-20 program year The list was published in last month's newsletter, and the descriptions for the first four 2019 programs are on the guild website. There are workshops for each of these four speakers and the registration information is online and ready for you. At the fee of just $50, these workshops are an incredible value!
May will feature "Paper Piecing with Marney" with Mary Hertel, who will be giving a workshop suitable for beginning as well as more experienced quilters. In June, internationally known quilter Bill Kerr will be with us speaking about "What Makes a Quilt Modern", and offering a workshop on using large prints. In July, the fantastic Jane Sassaman will present "Under the Influence" and give a workshop featuring her quilt "Moths and Moons". In August, join us for the popular program by Laura Wasilowski "I Quilt, Therefore I Am" and her workshop "Woven Flower Baskets".
To find out more about these wonderful quilters and their work, you can see all of these programs and workshops on the calendar. There are pictures, descriptions and links to the quilters websites. You can sign up online for the workshops, which makes it very easy. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to experience a day of learning, laughing, and communing with your fellow quilters. We have a maximum of 20 participants per workshop, so don't delay!
See you at a workshop!
Kearstie Grenier and Kathy Avellone, Program Chairs
Potluck Supper in April
Thank you! Thank you! We have 46 people signed up to attend our Potluck Supper April 16! The potluck will start at 6:30 pm and there will be a regular business meeting following the supper.
There is a nice assortment of main dishes, salad/veggies, and desserts — plenty for all of you hungry quilters! If you plan to come but haven’t had time to sign up, send an email to let us know you’re coming.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Sylvia & Jo
UFO Challenge
We're into the final month of the UFO Challenge! We hope you've been working diligently on your UFOs. There is a beautiful collection of fat quarters waiting for someone to take home! You have until April 30 to finish your UFOs. You also need to let Nancy know that you've completed them. Nancy will be at the April meeting with all your lists, so you can let her know which projects you've finished so far. If you can't come to the meeting or complete others after the meeting, please email her at nancysmith260@yahoo.com. The drawing for the fat quarters will be held at the May meeting.
Nancy Smith nancysmiht260@yahoo.com
Edie Hirasawa ehirasawa@hotmail.com
News from the President
Mother Nature is teasing us. Rain, then sun, then snow. Happily I think that we are making progress to days of sunshine and moderate temperatures.
I hope that you have finished or are finishing your donation quilt for the Staben House. I was making such good progress on my donation quilt until I got the itch to make a scrappy string quilt.
My attention span and my ability to complete a project is amazingly lacking. If I had been this flighty as a teacher, a mother or as a contributing member to my community, nothing would have ever gotten done in my corner of the world. I like to blame this on retirement and my age; but, I am happy everyday, and sewing/quilting is a major factor to my happiness.
If you are up for a road trip this month, check these out.
Quilt Shows near us, or if not near, not too, too far away.
29th Annual Quilt Show and Sale
“Everybody loves Quilts”
Friday, April 5 and Saturday, April 6 10:00 – 4:00
At the United Church of Hyde Park
1448 E 53rd Street, Chicago
Sponsored by the Lakeside Quilting Guild
This show is one hour and twenty minutes from Lake Bluff.
Heart Songs 2019
Friday, April 5 and Saturday, April 6 10:00 – 4:00
At the Channahon United Methodist Church,
24751 West Eames, Channahon, Il
Sponsored by Pieces of the Heart Quilt Guild which meets in Morris.
This show is one hour twenty minutes from Lake Bluff.
AQS 2019 Spring Quilt Show
Wednesday – Saturday April 24- 27
Paducah, Kentucky
This show is six hours and thirty minutes from Lake Bluff.
If you decide to travel, or stay at home, I hope that you are well each day and can express your creativity,
Treasurer’s Report
Balance on 2/25/2019: $28,704.45
Income: $1,653.79
Expenses: $12,928.19
Balance as of 3/24/2019: $17,430.05
We had a MAJOR expense this month - we bought the new quilt stands for the Quilt Show at a cost of $12,758.19. Income this month consisted of a Quilt Show vendor fee and raffle quilt sales ($670 so far!), membership fees, and workshop fees
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Partridge, Treasurer
Quilt Show News
Note EARLIER DATE!! Quilts are due July 16th!!!!!
The new stands will be arriving soon, so excited. Edie Hirasawa was able to find a place for the old wooden stands and feet. A school took them to be used by their woodworking shop. They were very happy to get started on their first project, dog houses! Thank you, Edie.
July 16 will be here before we know it, so hopefully everyone is busy creating beautiful quilts for the show. The Boutique and Silent Auction have begun to collect our donations. It is a busy time for all of us. I am working to get a quilt finished and getting started on several projects for donating. If anyone knows the “where-abouts” of the 2 1/2 squares of children’s fabric, please let us know. It was planned to use them to make kid’s items for the boutique.
Speaking of the show, here is a little information for our new members as well as existing members. Quilts are due July 16th, registration is open now on our website. It is an easy process to do. Your Quilt of Valor, registration is, also on our website, due by the same date unless you don’t care if it is hung. The floors will be marked on Oct 2, set-up is Oct 3 and the show is Oct 4 (9 am to 5 pm) and Oct 5 (9 am to 4 pm). There are many jobs that can be done to help with these steps which require any level of physical labor. So you can sit, stand, climb a ladder, construct the stands, hand out supplies, move equipment, white glove, sell raffle tickets, collect entrance fees, work the Boutique or Silent Auction. There is a volunteer sign-up on the website.
We have 12 vendors signed up and more in line. Nice job to Barb Jolley and Kate Brennan!
Kim Jurco has decided to chair equipment, so now we have all positions covered.
If you are interested in helping with anything, please let us know. We can always use more helpers.
Busy hands are happy hands,
Madge Pierce and Christine Tindell
Quilt Show & Quilts of Valor
For those members who were not at the March meeting, you missed seeing the finished "QOV Quilt-a-Thon" quilt that was pieced at the February meeting. It turned out beautifully... many thanks to Sally Evanshank who volunteered to quilt it and Linda McCade who volunteered to bind it. I plan to have it hung in the show in October.
And speaking of Quilts of Valor... I have received two nominations for quilts to be awarded in October and so far I have commitments from members for 13 Quilts of Valors. But if you are curious, a VQ member is not obligated to make a QOV in order to nominate a Veteran to receive one. We are looking to award about 15 quilts in October at the show. There are many, many Veterans out there who are more than deserving... a family member, your neighbor, a member of your church, a co-worker, your best friend, the clerk at the grocery store... look around, nominate one and make both of your lives richer.
Nomination forms are available on the VQ website, at VQ meetings, or upon request by emailing me - lil_sewnsew@att.net.
Specific information regarding Quilts of Valor (i.e. minimum/maximum sizes, fabric, design, etc) can be found at the Quilts of Valor Foundation (qovf.org).
If you have any questions, just give me a call or send me an email.
Thank you,
Cheryl Mercy
The finished Village Quilters QOV Quilt-a-Thon quilt.
New Board Positions
As of May 1, we have two Board positions opening up. They are Assistant Treasurer and Advance Program. I am pleased to announce that Alice Hutchinson has agreed to act as Assistant Treasurer.
The Advance Program position remains open. This is a great opportunity to become more involved with the guild and get to know fellow members. This position is a two-year commitment. In the first year, plans are made for the following year’s programs. This may be surveying the members for suggestions regarding teachers or techniques they would like to learn. Contacting guest speakers to inquire their availability, fees and classes they offer would be the next step. This can be done by email or phone. The schedule typically covers 8 of our 12 meetings. In the second year, this position moves to Program Chair. The Program Chair is the contact person for the guest speaker, takes workshop registrations and supervises the workshops. These duties are easily shared by two people, and other members are always willing to assist.
I urge anyone interested in the Advance Program position to contact me to discuss the duties.
In accordance with our by-laws, the membership will vote at the April meeting to elect the new Board members.
Barbara Schober
Spring is here – which means it is time to renew your Village Quilters Membership!
The new membership year begins on May 1, 2019. The membership fee is $50.00 ($25.00 for active military or spouse), but you save $5.00 if you renew by April 30! All renewals require 2 steps:
Completing a registration form
Submitting your payment.
To register online and pay your dues with your credit card, click on the “Join or Renew Online” button and you’ll be taken to a page where you can complete the membership form online or indicate that all of the information is the same as last year.
You can then click the “Pay Online” button and select your one year membership to be placed in your shopping cart. You will see that the one year membership is “on sale” for $45.00!
To pay by check, you can download the membership form as a pdf from the Join Us page, print and complete the form, and bring it with your check to the April guild meeting, or mail it to the address shown on the form. You also have the option to fill out the membership form at the guild meeting; we will have extra copies for you!
If you have any questions, please contact Celia Stratman or Kimberly Jurco!
Welcome new members: Julie Milne, Susan Sturdyk, and Liz Greenhill!
Happy Birthday!
Edythe Hirasawa – 4/28
Mary Ellin Innes – 4/30
Erica Jarrett – 4/6
Margaret Martin – 4/21
Enid Mattimiro – 4/30
Linda McCabe – 4/20
Peggy Williams – 4/5
For sale
Singer Quantum II sewing/embroidery machine. Rarely used, excellent condition. Comes with embroidery bed and all attachments. $200. Contact Edie Hirasawa by phone or email ehirasawa@hotmail.com.