May 2017
/May Speaker: Jerry Hug
Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Join us for a program by professional photographer Jerry Hug, How To Get Better Photos of Our Quilts, as he shares his photographic tips and tricks with us.
The program will inform us about lighting, how to edit our photos, how to share our photos on the internet and how to make good prints for our records. He will demonstrate picture taking techniques of quilts so that our quilts look as good in photos as they look in our homes.
Jerry is a retired educator who is a nationally known photographer. He is active in the Photographic Society of America and lectures throughout the country for the P.S.A. Jerry teaches Digital Photography across the nation.
May Workshop: Phone-ography: The Best Camera is the One That is With You
Wednesday, May 17, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Learn to use the camera in your smartphone or tablet to take and edit better pictures of your quilts. Participants will use their own phones or tablets, and will use software (downloaded before class) to edit the pictures to improve their quality.
Note: This workshop is now full.
The workshop will begin promptly at 9:00 so plan to arrive a little early.
Before class, each participant needs to download these apps onto his/her iPhone, iPad or Smartphone.
- Snapseed (required)
- Touch/Retouch (required)
- iResize for iPhones and iPad (optional)
- VividHDR – for iPhones and iPads (optional)
What to bring to the workshop:
- iPhone, iPad or Smartphone
- Charging cords for your electronics. We will be on our phones/iPads all day, so your charge may not last.
- A small quilt (lap size or smaller) or wall hanging which has a hanging sleeve. We will use our small quilts to practice photography during the workshop. (optional)
- A lunch. Jerry has much to share and there will not be time for anyone to leave for lunch.
Please remember NO PERFUME due to the allergies and sensitivity of others.
President’s Letter
April was a very busy month for our guild. Many thanks to Donna Derstadt, who organized our two-day raffle quilt ticket sale at the Rosemont show. We surpassed our goal and sold a record number of raffle tickets. There was a theme to the reactions from the show attendees. Many said it made them “happy”. Thank you to the members who volunteered to white glove and sell tickets at Rosemont.
Our Annual Meeting and Potluck was a great time. We need a few people to volunteer to organize our Holiday Party in December. Please see me for details.
The following day was our Boutique Sewing Day. Mary Dietz and Linda Warren had prepared “kits” for us to sew. We had a lot of fun working on the various projects and produced some wonderful boutique items.
May marks the beginning of our new fiscal year. Marti Austin has arranged wonderful programs for us. All the details are on our web site. Check them out and sign up early. The May workshop is already sold out!
Happy Quilting,
From the Treasurer
Balance 4/1/2017: $23,256.55
Income: $4,063.00
Expenses: $315.29
Balance 4/27/2017: $27,004.26
We had a large increase in income this month mainly due to raffle quilt sales of $2,488! Also, many members renewed their annual membership before the early bird deadline.
Raffle Quilt Tickets
The raffle quilt ticket packets are available now! Every member is expected to purchase a $25 packet containing 30 tickets. If you did not pick up your packet in April, please come to the meeting prepared with cash or a check. These tickets may be sold to others, or you may choose to fill them out for yourself. If you would like to purchase (or sell) additional tickets, they are available in packs of 6 tickets for $5. The guild relies heavily on the proceeds from raffle tickets for providing programs.
Silent Auction Needs Donations
Only 5 months until the quilt show! Time to get started on a little wallhanging, table runner, or doll quilt for the Silent Auction. Many thanks to all of you who have contributed to this important fund raiser for the guild.
Quilt Show Boutique
Quilters who attended the April Sew-In Day, we really appreciate your giving up a whole day to sew things for the boutique. We know there were a thousand other things you could have been doing but the fact that you chose to help our Boutique means a great deal. We accomplished a lot and hopefully had some fun along the way.
If you want to make some things for sale in the boutique but couldn’t make it to the Sew-In, please contact us. We are grateful for any and all participants.
Linda and Mary
Our Thread Ball Is Growing!
The thread ball is growing! Please contribute your snippets of thread and see how large it will be by October. We are collecting those little bits of thread that we all snip off as we sew our quilts. Please bring yours in a small plastic bag and give to Carol Swartz to feed the ball. Thank you!
Quilts of Valor
A great big Thank you! to everyone who is making a Quilt of Valor. Your beautiful creations are needed and very much appreciated. As the word spreads about Quilts of Valor, more and more requests are received by the QOV Foundation, both for individual and for group awards... ever increasing the need for more quilts.
A local event benefiting an Army veteran will be happening in northeastern McHenry county in May. A non-profit organization called A Soldiers Journey Home is building a home for a disabled veteran in Spring Grove, IL. This ‘blitz’ build will occur May 11-20. When this Veteran receives the keys to his new home, he will also be awarded a Quilt of Valor created by guild member Sylvia Bath. Check out and their Facebook page for the site address and more up-to-date information. If you plan to attend the ‘key ceremony’ I would encourage you to carpool as this home is being built in a residential area with limited parking.
We are still looking for nominations for veterans to receive a QOV at the Oct 2017 Quilt Show. The nominated Veteran should have been "touched by war”... meaning that during their military service they had been in harm's way. Your nominee does not need to be currently in active service. However, the veteran must be able to attend the Quilt Show. The nomination form is available on the Guild website – look under "Service". Information for both the Veteran and the Nominator is required, including name, address, phone number, email address. Additional information for the veteran includes branch of service and any deployments. If you have any questions about the eligibility of your veteran or about the required information, please do not hesitate to contact Deb Sherrock.
Register Your Quilts
Register your quilts for the October Quilt Show. Quilts must be registered online no later than midnight, July 31st. Registration includes filling in and submitting the form online - the link is on the Members Show Info page ( which can be found by using the link here or from our webpage by clicking on the Show menu at the top of the page, then selecting Members Show Info. We will send you an email telling you your entry number for that quilt. Reply to that email attaching a digital photo of the finished quilt, or reply to the email requesting Kearstie Grenier photograph your quilt at the next meeting.
Birthday Blocks
We have 4 members of the Birthday Blocks group who have May birthdays. If you are participating, please don’t forget to bring your blocks for Carol Miller, Donna Lechowicz, Marti Austin, and Claire Machinist. If you can’t come to the meeting or are a bit behind, please mail the blocks to the birthday ladies. Thank you!
At the dessert fest (okay, there was some salad) in April, we welcomed three new members: Jolie Fiore, Christine Siqueira and Nancy Zamor.
The membership year for Village Quilters is May 1 thru April 30 and it is time to renew for the 2017-18 year.
For your convenience, we now offer the option to pay online using a credit card OR you can pay by cash or check at the monthly meeting. To pay by credit card, visit the online Membership Form, complete the registration information and click on SUBMIT. Then click on membership, add to cart. In the upper right hand corner of your screen, you should see 1 item in your cart for $50. Click on the black box, enter your credit card information and SUBMIT. You will receive an email confirmation.
NEVER two months with so many birthdays (16 in May and 10 in June)!
Carol and Patricia
May Birthdays
Emmy Moore, 5/1
Linda Frankiewicz, 5/6
Patricia Warren, 5/7
Donna Derstadt, 5/10
Linda Panozzo, 5/12
Marti Austin, 5/13
Joan Lagedrost, 5/13
Eloise Williams, 5/16
Kate Brennan, 5/18
Claire Machinist, 5/19
Celia Stratman, 5/19
Carol Miller, 5/20
Penny Petitclair, 5/20
Donna Lechowicz, 5/22
Amy Parker, 5/27
Linda Wiemerslage, 5/30
June Birthdays
Judi Young, 6/1
Kate Klein, 6/6
Linda Warren, 6/7
Andrea Krier, 6/11
Kathy Clement, 6/12
Priscilla Maves, 6/15
Mary Gustafson, 6/19
Amy Dryfoos, 6/23
Sue Minster, 6/28
Jolie Fiore, 6/30