April 2017
/Program: Annual Meeting and Pot Luck
April 18, 2017; 6:30 pm - 9 pm
Join us Tuesday, April 18th at 6:30 pm (early start) for a wonderful, very busy annual meeting including social, and business aspects. Note the early start time! Due to the anticipated length of this meeting, there will be NO Show and Tell.
Gather your favorite recipes for salads and desserts and join in our April Pot Luck. The Board will provide the beverages. Our annual meeting and election of Board members will be held at this meeting. Please see the articles below for the slate of nominees and the proposed budget.
The Boutique chairpersons are collecting scraps of pre-quilted fabric for projects to be made at the Sew-In on April 19. If you have some, please bring them to the meeting and give them to Mary Dietz or Linda Warren.
Workshop: Sew-In for the Boutique
April 19, 2017; 9 am - 4 pm
The Boutique Committee for the Quilt Show will be hosting a sew-in on April 19, our regular workshop day in April. We are looking for sewers to help construct small items to sell at the Boutique. If you would like to come to the sew-in or volunteer to help with the Boutique, just email or call Mary Dietz (check the membership roster in the Members Only section of the website for contact information).
Please consider joining us. Just bring your sewing machine, sewing tools, and your lunch. We will furnish all materials for the projects and dessert! We are still looking for members to participate in the Boutique, either donating items they have made for us to sell or by making multiple items to sell to make a percentage of the sales.
We are also collecting scraps of commercially pre-quilted fabric for a few of our projects. If you have some to contribute, please bring them to the April meeting or the Sew-In.
President’s Letter
Our Members Teaching Members meeting was a great success. Thanks to Dorothy Roderick, Donna Derstadt, Judy Hillebrand and Judi Young for sharing their expertise. Each of their demos was so interesting, and I can’t wait to try them out.
A number of Quilts of Valor appeared at the March Sewing Day. The commitment our members share to this very worthwhile project is inspirational. Those who attended enjoyed the day sewing together and seeing all the beautiful quilts.
The April meeting is our pot luck and election of officers. It is usually a longer meeting, so we will start early, at 6:30 pm, and there will be no Show and Tell this month. Save those wonderful new creations for May!
Happy Quilting,
Treasurer’s Report
Monthly Report for April
Balance 2/25/17: $21,511.96
Income: $2,391.71
Expenses: $1,173.39
Balance 3/27/17: $22,730.28
Budget for 2017-2018 Fiscal Year
Overall, we only have a few changes to the budgeted amounts for 2017-2018 when compared to 2016-2017.
Our membership numbers continue to decline. The past couple years the budget has been $5,500 for Membership dues (including guest fees of $10 and name tag money), but in 2016-2017, we only took in $4,433.40. We are reducing the budget for Membership income for next fiscal year to $4,500. The Brown Bag Auction brought in $875, more than double the previous year’s amount. We will increase that budget from $400 to $600. Although the workshop income fell slightly below the budget of $3,000, we will keep that amount the same. Our year-to-date income is $7,749.65; budgeted amount was $8,900. Note that we are not including any income received from the quilt show vendors or any membership renewals for 2017-2018; that income will be applied to FY 2017-2018.
Programs: we budgeted $3,000 in income and $9,600 for expenses for a budgeted net expense amount of $6,600. We were under budget in both categories, taking in $2,441.25 in income and $7,597.85 for expenses for an actual net expense amount of $5,156.60, which is even less than the budgeted net amount. We anticipate less expenses for 2017-2018 for programs since many speakers live close enough that they don’t need to fly. We are going to keep the budgeted income at $3,000 and will reduce the expenses from $9,600 to $9,000 for a budgeted net expense amount of $6,000.
Others: We have many other expense categories and are keeping the budget the same or changing slightly for 2017-2018. Our year-to-date expenses were budgeted at $12,880 and we have only spent $10,154.36, a considerable difference. We have some miscellaneous categories for which we budget a small amount. Some of those categories did not have any expenses in 2016-2017, but we will keep the budget the same.
A summary of the current and proposed budgets will be provided at the April membership meeting for the consideration and approval of the guild membership.
Annual Report for 2016-2017 Fiscal Year
Cash Balance 5/01/2016: $25,514.18
Deposits: $11,907.25
Expenses: $14,164.88
Cash Balance 4/1/2017: $23,256.55
Laura Partridge, Treasurer
Slate of Board Position Nominees
The following slate of candidates for board positions will be voted on at the April meeting:
Secretary: Sue Minster
Treasurer: Judi Young
Assistant Treasurer: Laura Partridge
Advance Programs: Barb Jolly and Edie Hirasawa
Members may make nominations from the floor.
Presented by Linda Spring, Member-at Large
Programs for 2017-2018
Our program chair, Marti Austin, has come up with a terrific lineup of speakers and workshops for the 2017-2018 season. Please check out the websites below to learn more about our speaker.
Details about the programs and the workshops can be found on our web site. You may register for any workshop online, at a guild meeting, or by mail (download the workshop registration form in the footer of villagequilters.org).
May 16 Speaker, Jerry Hug: How to Get Better Pictures of our Quilts
May 17 Workshop, Jerry Hug: Phone-graphy: The Best Camera is the One that is With You
Learn how to take pictures using your iPhone or Android. Participants will download three apps and learn how to edit their pictures. This workshop is limited to 10 participants.
June 20 Speaker, Linda Halpin: Quilting with Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Story of Quilting in the Years of Laura’s Youth
June 21 Workshop, Linda Halpin: Spot on Scrap Quilt
Welcome to “Spot On”, the class where curves are created in a whole new way that can be done in half the time of traditional piecing and is much more accurate. Fine tune your piecing skills, your fabric selection skills, and you will use up some of your SCRAPS!
July 18 Speaker, Lenore Crawford: Award Winning Techniques to Create an Art Quilt http://www.lenorecrawford.com/
July 19 Workshop, Lenore Crawford: Fusing and Fabric Painting to Create Realistic Fabric Art
Create a small fused project with one of Lenore’s specific patterns. Using Lenore’s simple fusing technique the design will be created on a fabric background. No sewing will be done during this workshop.
August 15 Speaker, Dawn Cook Ronnington: Hexagons & Mosaics 1840-2016
August 16 Workshop, Dawn Cook Ronnington: Hexagons!
Create a one of a kind project with design assistance. The workshop covers design options, planning, assembly tips and techniques, and finishing options. Make hand stitched hexagon florets to use in a quilt or sewing accessory.
September 19 Program, Guild Quilt Show Preparation
October 17 Speaker, Denise Havlan: Humble Beginnings http://www.denisehavlan.com/
October 18 Workshop, Denise Havlan: Tiny Vision
Less CAN be more! Create “eye-popping” land and seascapes by cutting strips of fused fabric, laying them onto a foundation and stitching back and forth with beautiful color threads. Finishing options will be discussed. Start with a sketch; end with a work of art or two!
November 14 Speaker, Cheryl Selboda: Working Weekly – “Staying Inspired” : How small quilts helped me find my artistic voice
December 19 Program, Winter Holiday Party
January 16 Program, Ways and Means
February 20 Program, Members Teaching Members
March 20 Speaker, Susan Cleveland: My Eclectic Quilt Pageant
March 21 Workshop, Susan Cleveland: Double Pointed Dresdens: Design Your Own (or not)
Double-points put a contemporary spin on this long-time favorite and they eliminate the need of a traditional appliquéd circle in the center! Follow Susan's Seven Ringie Dingie pattern or design your own Dresden in class! Design possibilities are endless!
April 17 Program Spring Social and Election of Officers
Thank you Marti, for this exciting program schedule!
Time to Pick Up Your Raffle Tickets!
The raffle quilt ticket packets will be available beginning at the April meeting. Every member is expected to purchase a $25 packet containing 30 tickets. Please come prepared with cash or check for yours. These tickets may be sold to others, or you may choose to fill them out for yourself. If you would like to purchase (or sell) additional tickets, they are available in packs of 6 tickets for $5. The guild relies heavily on the proceeds from raffle tickets for providing programs.
Birthday Blocks Reminder
Don’t forget to bring your birthday blocks for our April birthday ladies: Mary Ellen Innes and Edythe Hirasawa!
New Quilting Resource To Open In June!
MADE Creative Fiber Arts Studio will offer classes, clubs, and rentals in sewing & quilting, die cutting, and long arm quilting. We’re here to help you start your projects, stitch them confidently, and finish them successfully. Opening June 2017 in Mundelein at 25739 Hillview Court. Call us at 877-479-9990 or visit our website and join our mailing list for more information: http://madecreativestudio.com.
REMINDER that the membership year for Village Quilters is May 1 thru April 30 and it is time to renew for the 2017-18 year.
Membership fees for the year remain at $50 BUT you can save $5 if you renew before April 30. We have had success with the new online option to complete both your Membership Form and payment by credit card.
Carol and Patricia
Happy Birthday!
April Birthdays
Peggy Williams, 4/5
Erica Jarrett, 4/6
Margaret Martin, 4/21
Edythe Hirasawa, 4/28
MaryEllin Innes, 4/30
Enid Mattimiro, 4/30
May Birthdays
Emmy Moore, 5/1
Linda Frankiewicz, 5/6
Patricia Warren, 5/7
Donna Derstadt, 5/10
Linda Panozzo, 5/12
Marti Austin, 5/13
Joan Lagedrost, 5/13
Eloise Williams, 5/16
Claire Machinist, 5/19
Celia Stratman, 5/19
Carol Miller, 5/20
Penny Petitclair, 5/20
Donna Lechowicz, 5/22
Amy Parker, 5/27
Linda Wiemerslage, 5/30