February 2017
/February Program: Best of the Best
Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Village Quilters is giving its members an opportunity to showcase their work this February! For this special program, each member is invited to show one quilt: her favorite, her best work or her most treasured; and briefly tell why this quilt holds a special place in her heart. Past presidents will bring their president’s quilts. We will need volunteers to hold up quilts, so please speak to Yolanda or Mary to volunteer.
Don’t miss this chance to see these quilts and learn why they are so special to your fellow quilters!
February Workshop: Quilt of Valor Sew-In
Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Have you started making your Quilt of Valor? If not, do you need a little encouragement and support to get started? Or better yet... to get it finished? Join other like-minded sewers at the Quilts of Valor “sew-in” on Wednesday, February 22 at Faith Lutheran Church, 680 W. Deerpath Road in Lake Forest (the usual location for workshops). We’ll be there from 9 am – 4 pm. So bring fabric, your sewing machine, and supplies to work on your quilt… to have it ready for the show in October. It will be fun to see everyone’s quilts! If you have any questions about the "sew-in", contact Deb or Cheryl... and we hope to see you on Wednesday, February 22nd.
IMPORTANT: Please RSVP to Deb Sherrock by Tuesday, February 14 if you plan to come to the QOV “sew-in” on February 22. If we need more space at the church due to an overwhelming response, we need to let them know a week in advance.
President’s Letter
Many thanks to Donna Fitzgerald and her team for organizing our Brown Bag event last month. It was a very successful fundraiser for the guild. There were many surprises among the items donated. The live auction was great, and members carried home some treasures.
We are planning several sewing days in the next few months to give you the opportunity to use our workshop space at Faith Lutheran Church. It can be very helpful to set aside a day to work on your Quilts of Valor, boutique items, silent auction items and your own quilts.
Antiques Roadshow UK had a UFO from the 1600’s. It was a silk embroidery still tethered to its frame. The materials would have been quite expensive at the time. The discussion was rather amusing as to why the lady never completed her embroidery. Imagine some of our work coming on the Roadshow in 100 years. Better get busy sewing.
Happy Quilting,
From the Treasurer
Balance 12/24/16: $20,465.06
Income: $1067.00
Expenses: $260.00
Balance 1/24/17: $21,272.06
We had a large increase in income this month and that is due to two deposits: the first is $800 (wow!) from the Brown Bag Auction (see article in this newsletter by Donna Fitzgerald). The second is two refund checks we received from the insurance company for our annual guild insurance. Every couple years, Country Financial Insurance does an audit of our account. We’ve had some large increases in the insurance amount for the past couple years. As a result of the audit, we received two checks totaling $267.00!
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Partridge, Treasurer
From Ways and Means
Because of you Ways & Means had a TREMENDOUSLY successful "Brown Bag Hustle".
It was fun, entertaining, competitive, mischievous and you giggled, laughed, smiled, shouted, cried and got angry. What more could you ask for except for the blue light that should have been there to designate the "SPECIALS". Where else could you have gotten a completed quilt topper for $6 or less or a completed except for the binding "Tumbling Blocks" small quilt for $5. I'm telling you ladies you struck it rich at "The Hustle" and your Guild says “Thank You” for your generosity and donations. We made $800. Thank you to the committee: Cheryl Mercy, Kathy Sorkin, Jo Bailey, Ginny Flock, Laurie Waldron, and helpers Christine Tindell and Celia Stratman, because without you the "slight of hand" tactics used would not have been so successfully orchestrated and we wouldn't have gotten rid of EVERYTHING.
You are the Best,
Donna Fitzgerald
P.S. I don't accept complaints.
Quilt Show Update
Doesn't our quilt show seem really far away? I don't know about you but it seems we just took our Christmas tree down and to start planning for October now doesn't really seem logical. However, your quilts for display have to be submitted by July 31st. That's only about 6 months away. Ginny flock showed a gorgeous bargello that took her 7 months to make. I guess we all have to get busy right?
The committee is now meeting monthly on the second Tuesday at 7 pm at the Fremont public library. If you aren't a chairman, but are curious to see how the show is shaping up, you are welcome to join us. Exciting news: our raffle quilt should be finished this week!
Don't wait to be asked to help. If you are passionate about a particular aspect of the show, please call or email any of the following people.
Co-chairs: Christine Tindell and Madge Pierce
Art quilt challenge: Celia Stratman
Boutique: Linda Warren and Mary Dietz
Cataloging: Enid Mattimiro and Kearstie Grenier
Check in and out: Feather Schroeder
Hospitality: Jo Bailey and Sylvia Bath
Publicity: Kimberly Jurco and Kearstie Grenier
Quilt appraisal: Judy Hillebrand
Raffle quilt: Kate Klein, Erica Jarrett and Nancy Smith
Quilt travel: Donna Derstadt and Lorraine Potts
Raffle tickets: Dee Elliott and Kathy Avellone
Service: Cheryl Mercy and Deb Sherrock
Set up/ take down: Margaret Martin
Show layout: Patricia Warren
Silent auction: Edythe Hirasawa, Alice Hutchinson and Yolanda Sherrod
Staffing: Carol Swartz and Laura Partridge
Vendors: Linda Spring
These outstanding leaders will be asking for help. This is such a great way to get to know your fellow quilters!!
Happy sewing!
From the Service Committee
Have you signed up to make a Quilt of Valor to be awarded at our Quilt Show in October? Have you started (or finished) it yet? If not, please join us and take advantage of the fellowship and experience of your fellow guild members at our February 22nd QOV “sew-in”. See the description above in the February Workshop article.
Please RSVP to Deb Sherrock by Tuesday February 14 (Valentine’s Day) if you plan to come.
THANK YOU to everyone who has signed up and plans to make a Quilt of Valor for the Quilt Show. As it stands now, we already have ‘promises’ for 26 quilts!!! If you have not yet committed, contact Deb to let her know that you plan to make a Quilt of Valor so your name can be added to the list.
The form to nominate a Veteran to receive a Quilt of Valor at the quilt show is on the VQ website. Download the form and return the completed form to either Deb or Cheryl.
Service Committee,
Deb Sherrock and Cheryl Mercy
Volunteers Needed!
Help the guild, and see a great show!
We need volunteers for the Rosemont Quilt Show April 6, 7, and 8th. For a 2 hour volunteer shift, you get free entry to the show and you enable Village Quilters to display our raffle quilt and sell tickets!
We need white glove volunteers for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and ticket sellers for Friday and Saturday. Every white glove volunteer and one ticket seller per time slot gets free entry.
Can you help?
Please check your calendar, and sign up at our February Meeting. Detailed instructions will be provided mid-March.
Thank You!
Questions: contact Donna Derstadt dderstadt@hotmail.com
Coming Soon: Enter Your Quilt Online
The online system for entering quilts in the 2017 show will open in mid-February. Here are a few things to you will need when filling in the entry form: all quilts must have a quilt name - no untitled quilts; know the size of the quilt in inches; if your quilt is from a workshop, you will be asked to enter the name of the instructor; if it's a bee or group project you must enter the name of the bee or group - making sure all members who are entering use the same group name. You will also need to enter your quilt's "story", which is the single page block of text that is printed and displayed next to your quilt. Be prepared with the answers as you can't save your work, you must finish the page and click the Submit button at the bottom.
Once you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation within the next 5 days, so be watching your email. Reply to the confirmation email and attach a picture of your finished quilt. You will receive a second email confirming completion of your entry.
If you would like to have Kearstie photograph your completed quilt, fill out the entry form and submit it ahead of time and bring the quilt along with its name (which you have already entered online) to a meeting. Pictures may be taken about 15 minutes before the start of a meeting or immediately after the meeting.
We can't wait to see the pictures of your finished quilts!
Silent Auction
It is already time to start your "Silent Auction" project for the quilt show!
We are looking for small quilted items: wall hangings, baby sized quilts, place mats, table runners, any small-to-medium size quilted object to be sold at the Silent Auction. Seasonal themed items have always been popular. Bidding will start at $10.00 for these lovely items and this has historically been a significant fundraiser for the guild.
We are hoping for at least one contribution from each guild member. Alice Hutchinson, Yolande Sherrod, or Edie Hirasawa will be gratefully accepting your contributions at each guild meeting from now until the quilt show. So burrow into your stash and get inspired. We can't wait to see what wonderful contributions our creative members come up with!
Edie Hirasawa
Birthday Blocks
Are you caught up yet on your Birthday Blocks? Blocks for two members are due at the February meeting: Kathy Avellone and Dorothy Roderick. Remember, if you can't attend a meeting or are late with a block, you may mail it to the recipient. Addresses are on the roster in the Members Only section of the website.
Sewing Days – Mark your calendars
The workshop space at Faith Lutheran Church has been reserved on the following days. We will be passing around sign-up sheets at the February meeting, so we know how many members plan to attend.
Wednesday, February 22, for the Quilts of Valor. See the description in the February Workshop description at the beginning of the newsletter. If you plan to attend, please contact Deb Sherrock by February 14!
Wednesday, March 22, for general quilt show prep. You can use this time to work on any project related to the quilt show.
Wednesday, April 19, for the Boutique committee. Mary Dietz and Linda Warren will be filling us in on their plans for the day.
News from Other Guilds and Exhibits of Interest
The Crazy Quilter’s Guild of Mukwonago, WI is accepting entries for their quilt show on April 22-23. The entry deadline is April 10. Please see their website for additional information: http://www.mukwonagocrazyquilters.com/
Sarah’s Grove Quilter’s Circle, of Schaumburg, IL, will be hosting Amy Walsh of Blue Underground for a trunk show at 7:00 pm, on Tuesday, March 7, and a workshop on Saturday, March 11, both will be held at the Schaumburg Public Library, 130 S Roselle Rd., Schaumburg. For more information contact Ann Kelly at annk0604@att.net.
Quilt Exhibit: January 29 – March 19, 2017
“Ice Tapestries & Quilts” by Kay Koeper Sorensen, Anderson Art Center, 6603 Third Ave, Kenosha
Quilt Exhibit: Now – February 28, 2017
Unpacking Collections: The Legacy of Cuesta Benberry, an African American Quilt Scholar, The DuSable Museum of African American History, 740 E. 56th Place, Chicago
February 17 – May 26, 2017
“Fabric of Survival”, a unique series of 36 works of fabric collage and embroidery made by Esther Nisenthal Krinitz, to show her daughters the family she had lost in the Holocaust. Jewish Museum of Milwaukee, 1360 N Prospect Ave., Milwaukee. Check their hours at their web site: Monday-Thursday 10-4, Fri, 10-2, closed Saturday, Sunday Noon-4. jewishmuseummilwaukee.org
We welcomed one guest: Kate Brennar, a former member, who brought a creative quilt for Show and Tell. Kate's quilt created a lively discussion!
No birthdays on Valentine's Day but we wish everyone a special day… maybe a special day just for quilting!
Happy Birthday!
Birthdays in February
Kathy Heusinkveld, 2/3
Kathy Avellone, 2/5
Dorie Botimer, 2/12
Dorothy Roderick, 2/16
Carol Quille, 2/18
Eleanor McMurrin, 2/23
Cheryl Mercy, 2/25
Birthdays in March
Bobbie Etchell, 3/3
Madge Pierce, 3/20
Kristina Summers, 3/30