August 2024
/August Meeting: Sew-In for Service Project “Sleep in Heavenly Peace”
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 – 6:30 pm - In Person
Our August Sew-In is almost here! Join us as we work on quilts for our service project! We will donate quilts to Sleep in Heavenly Peace, an organization that makes beds for children who need them.
We are putting kits together so that our sew-in event will be a smooth and efficient process. We have plenty of materials to make several quilt tops.
The Sew-in will continue at our workshop on Wednesday, August 21 at Faith Lutheran Church starting at 9:00 am.
Please sign up for both events by August 10 so we can plan the work and the work spaces! When you sign up, you will have the opportunity to indicate if you will be a sewer, ironer or cutter, or if you will pitch in where needed. Sewers will need to bring their machines and cutters will need to bring rotary cutters, mats and rulers.
If you are making a quilt of your own to donate, remember that they should measure about 60” by 75” and be appropriate for children ages 2 to 17. Please no holiday or religious fabrics. If you would like to make a label for your quilt, we suggest that you reference Village Quilters of Lake Bluff/Lake Forest, made in 2024.
We will deliver the finished quilts in late September.
Gwen Jaeger, Service Chair
September Program: Bag Making with Karin Janssen Potter of Karin’s Korner at Sew ‘n Save
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 – 7 pm - In Person
For over 15 years, Karin Janssen Potter has been the Business Manager and Educator at Sew 'n Save of Racine. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Home Economics Education and Business. Karin has been sewing since the age of 12, when her grandfather bought her a sewing machine. She has sewn everything from clothing to quilts.
Do you want your bags to look more professional? Do you have trouble getting the bindings and zippers sewn into bags? Karin has all the tips and tricks to make your bag making fun and professional looking! It really is easier than you think, with the right tools and techniques! Karin will bring along a trunk show of fabulous bags to awe and inspire you.
September Workshop: Barn Quilt Painting with City Sister Country Sister
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 – 11:30 am at Faith Lutheran Church, 680 Deerpath, Lake Forest
With City Sister Country Sister, you’re not just painting a beautiful barn quilt that you can proudly display but having a great time doing it with your friends along the way.
The cutoff for signing up for this class will be AUGUST 21 since City Sister Country Sister needs to order all the quilt boards in advance of the workshop.
We look forward to a fun and interactive class as City Sister Country Sister guides you through all the steps to complete an awesome barn quilt using Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paints. Painting is fun and easy! You will be supplied with everything you need to complete this unique decor piece and provided instructions for interior or exterior sealing for display to complete once at home.
Check out the Registration listing for all the details around registering for the class and selecting/pre-ordering your barn quilt board.
Nancy Zamor and Enid Mattimiro, Co-Program Chairs
Examples of bright tone-on-tone fabrics
Raffle Quilt 2025
I want to thank all of you who brought fabric donations to the July meeting! Those donations are wonderful and will go a long way toward the construction of our raffle quilt for 2025. The plan for this fabulous quilt will be revealed soon.
We would like to have even more fabrics to choose from, so if you want to donate but have not done so yet we will collect more bright tone-on-tone fabrics at the August meeting. Sizes needed are 2 ½” WOF strips, fat 8ths, and 10” squares.
We will also need skilled foundation paper piecers. If you don’t know how to paper piece, there are many in our guild who are willing to teach. Please contact me with any questions!
Christine Tindell
Message from the President
What a great program we had in July! Connie Martin has an amazing story to tell about her family history. She definitely kept all of us engrossed during her presentation of the history of slavery in our nation and the role that quilts played in the underground railroad.
The August meeting will be a fun one! Several years ago, we worked on making a Quilt of Valor in one evening at our meeting and it was a great team experience. We will be doing the same thing except that we will be making quilts for Sleep in Heavenly Peace. I hope many of you will join us for our August Sew-In! We will need members to bring their machines and sew, members to cut and square up blocks, members to press seams, and members willing to do whatever is needed. Please go to our website to sign up for a job. We need many quilters to make this successful.
Our programming committee has been working hard to bring us programs for our current year. Please join us for our meetings and workshops. You will enjoy the lectures and learn things along the way.
Sharon Pierluissi, President
Village Quilters Fall Retreat
Date: October 25-27, 2024
Location: Hilton Garden Inn, Mettawa
Time: 8:00 am Friday – 4:00 pm Sunday
Cost: $65.00
Sign up for the retreat began today at 8:00 am! If you are lucky enough to make your reservation, congratulations! If you miss getting in, worry not! Send your name to Marti Austin via email and your name will be placed on a wait list. Marti will record the requests in the order in which they are received.
If you are registered for the retreat and would like to stay at the hotel, please email Marti Austin with your room request. This request should include the days of your stay (Thursday, Friday and/or Saturday), the room preference (single queen or double queen), and who you are sharing the room with if anyone. The cost of each room is $134 plus taxes. The last day to make a room reservation for this retreat is September 10 to guarantee the price. Please get your request in to Marti Austin by that date.
Marti Austin
Treasurer’s Report
Bank Balance as of June 1, 2024: $38,248.89
Income: $1,907.00
Expenses: $675.83
Ending Bank Balance as of June 30, 2024: $39,480.06
June income was primarily from Brown Bag Hustle proceeds ($1,622). The remaining income was for workshop and membership fees. Significant June expenses were for lecture/workshop fees and annual fees for Squarespace web hosting, Hover domain name and e-mail.
Respectfully submitted, Melanie Houser, Treasurer
Membership Report
We had nearly half of our membership in attendance for July’s meeting! What a wonderful treat! Parking was at a premium, we were told. Let’s keep this up!
Please remember to wear your name badges at the meetings (or else you’ll have to fork over a quarter). Also keep a look out for recently joined members with our membership Village Quilters badges. Say hello and ask them about their quilting journey, along with how they learned about Village Quilters.
Lorraine Potts and Robyn McGarrigle are your membership co-chairs. If you have a question, please feel free to reach out to us!
Happy August Birthday to the following members:
1st - Alice Hutchinson and Gayle Springer
2nd - Laurie Golden
4th - Sally Evanshank
16th - Leitha Schaal
18th - Alicia Alexander
29th - Sari Hurtig
30th - Nancy Giebel
Third Thursday Sunshine Stitchers
Members of Village Quilters meet at the State Bank of The Lakes, 50 Commerce Drive in Grayslake on the third Thursday of the month. All are welcome. Come with your machine to stitch blocks, come with handwork, come with your quilt top, batting and binding to sandwich your quilt. There is plenty of room.
We meet in the community room which is in the lower level. Enter the bank through the front door and take the elevator on the right. The room is open to us from 10:00 to 3:00. Most show up around 11:00.
Questions? Email Kathy Huesinkveld or Marti Austin