November, 2023
/November Program – Quilter’s Strip Poker!
Tuesday, November 14, 7 pm – Note the date change to the second Tuesday of the month
Join us for a fun night of Quilter’s Strip Poker! It’s similar to Bunco, but we play with fabric.
What you need to bring for the game: Jelly roll strips or 10” squares or 5” squares safety-pinned together!
Using fabric as an ante, Players roll dice to see who goes home with some newly acquired stash.
One “strip” of fabric is equivalent to:
One – 2.5” Jelly Roll strip
One – 10” Layer Cake square
Four – 5” Charm Squares – safety pinned together
We recommend that you begin with at least 12 strips of fabric to increase your chances of staying in the game and winning! In Quilter’s Strip Poker, players roll dice and a specific rule is followed depending on the number rolled. A bell rings after each person has at least one turn, and then players will switch tables. Play will continue until one player is left with all the fabric!
Quilter’s Strip Poker Rules:
To begin, each player will ante up 1 strip of their fabric in the center of the table.
After each player has anteed up, the player whose birthdate is closest to the date of the game plays first. Game play continues around the table in a clockwise fashion.
The numbers on the dice represent the action that a player must take.
BLANK: Player forfeits her turn and passes the dice to the player to her LEFT.
Number 2: Player gives 1 STRIP to the player to her LEFT.
Number 3: Player gives 1 STRIP to the player to her RIGHT.
Number 4: Player takes 1 STRIP from the PILE in the center of the table.
Number 5: Player places 1 STRIP into the PILE in the center of the table.
Number 6: Player takes ALL THE STRIPS from the center of the table.
After each player has had a turn, all players again place 1 strip in the center of the table.
If a player rolls the dice off the table, her turn is forfeited and the dice is passed to the player to her RIGHT.
This is a “Timed Round Game,” so when the bell rings, players at each table take the strips they currently have in their possession with them and move to another table. The strips in the center of the table remain in the center for the next round of players.
If a player has no more strips, they are considered stripped out of the game.
The committee will determine the time allowed for each round of play.
Hope to see everyone at the game!
Cheryl Mercy and Kathy Sorkin
December Program – Holiday Party!
Tuesday, December 19, 6:30 pm
Please join us in our lovely meeting room for a festive evening with friends, food and FUN. Dinner will be provided and the cost will be $10.00 per member.
To add to the fun of the evening, we will host a traditional White Elephant game. Those who wish to participate will need to bring a wrapped fabric panel or or 1 yard of fabric. Your item does not need to be holiday themed, but it certainly can be. Let's see what the most coveted panel or fabric will be this year, and who will end up with it!
We will also be collecting non-perishable food items for charity, if you wish to donate. Check your December newsletter for any last-minute details.
If you haven't already signed up you can register at the November meeting or send confirmation and a check for $10 made out to Village Quilters to Bobbie Etchell. We hope to see you there!
Your hosts, Bobbie Etchell & Cindy Heineman
Quilt Show News
Quilts from the Village XVIII was a marvelous show! Kudos to everyone who helped make the show such a terrific experience!
A huge Thank You to all the VQ Members who showed up the work their various shifts. Also, many thanks to those of you who shared your quilting talents in the creation of the raffle quilt! The boutique and silent auction were overflowing with beautiful donations. So many members showed up (and brought family members) to set up the show, and then, even though they were weary and foot sore, take it down in record time. You are all so talented! We couldn’t have had a show without you!
The vendors were busy, and the hospitality room provided food and a place of respite for all of us. Those working at admissions and raffle ticket sales greeted all our guests with genuine enthusiasm.
No undertaking of this magnitude is successful without the hard work and support of many individuals. As two of our members shared with me, “As a group we really do step up.”
Please allow me to remind you of the committee members who worked so diligently on the show. Some of these people were visible in their duties, but many others were responsible for work done behind the scenes and before the show opened.
Quilt Show Committee:
Recorder - Peg Schemenauer
Appraisal - Judy Hillebrand
Hospitality - Celia Stratman and Nancy Zamor
Publicity - Jocelyn Galloway and Erica Jarrett
Staffing - Andrea Krier
Boutique - Barb Jolley and Madge Pierce
Silent Auction - Donna Derstadt and Erica Jarrett
Vendors - Mary Dietz with Lorraine Potts, Carol Swartz, and Marti Austin
Cataloging - Kearstie Grenier and Enid Mattimiro
Art Quilt Challenge - Carrol Stovold
Quilts of Valor - Cheryl Mercy
Raffle Quilt Design - Donna Derstadt and Kate Klein
Raffle Tickets - Susan Surdyk
Raffle Quilt Travel - Pam Eulberg
Floor Plan - Kate Klein
Set-up/ Take-down - Sue Minster
Quilt Check-in/Check-out - Feather Schroeder
Mark Floors - Madge Pierce
Equipment - Madge Pierce
VQ President - Christine Tindell
VQ Webmaster - Margaret Martin
Ruby Anniversary Celebration - Historian Kearstie Grenier and Enid Mattimiro
A special edition Quilt Show Newsletter will be published in the coming weeks, so watch your inbox for the final results!
Kathy Avellone, Quilt Show Chair
Quilt Show Volunteer Announcement
I want to thank all the members who signed up and showed up for the quilt show! We had two members who were tending to medical problems but there were plenty of members at the show who filled in at the last minute.
If you have a nametag or white gloves that you took home with you, bring them to the November meeting (please wash the white gloves first) so I can pack away the staffing supply box.
Andrea Krier
A Call for Photographs!
I'm planning to compile a collection of photographs that capture the beauty of the quilts and the wonderful moments from the show. To make this a reality, I'm reaching out to all of our talented members who attended the show and who may have taken photographs.
Would you be willing to share the photographs you took at the quilt show? These photographs will not only help us share the event through our web site but will also be a resource for future guild activities and promotions. Whether you captured stunning quilts, memorable interactions, or even behind-the-scenes shots, I would greatly appreciate your contribution.
Here's how to share your photographs with us: use our new photograph submission form!
Please try make sure that your photographs are of high quality. If you have many photographs to submit, it might be easier to compress them in a .zip archive (if you know how). Don't forget to let me know if you'd like your name to be featured alongside your photographs.
I'd really like to have photographs submitted in time to share them in the final Quilt Show News issue, so please try to submit them by the end of the day on Sunday, November 5.
If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the submission process, please reach out to me at
Thank you in advance! Your photographs will help us preserve the memories of Quilts from the Village XVIII, and allow us to celebrate the art of quilting together! And if you have other photographs from previous shows, or other VQ events, feel free to submit those, too!
Remember, try to submit your quilt show photographs by November 5.
Margaret Martin,
Christine’s Chatter
You should all congratulate yourselves on a job well done at the quilt show. Everyone stepped up and did what had to be done. I had many friends attend and they couldn’t say enough wonderful things about the set-up, quality of work done, vendors, boutique and silent auction. Most of all, everyone was mesmerized by our raffle quilt and rumor has it we took in more raffle ticket chances than at our last show. You can all pat yourselves on the back and be very proud to be a member of this organization.
We celebrated our 40th anniversary as a guild at the October meeting. Punch and cake were served and Kearstie gave a wonderful talk about where we were as a group and how we are moving forward with our craft. The use of computers and technology is certainly a big change from 40 years ago.
I’m curious and excited about our November meeting, when we will play strip poker! Who would have thought that quilters would participate in such shenanigans?
The Sinnissippi quilters from Rockford will bring their opportunity quilt to our November meeting and are advertising their quilt show taking place in May.
I have an inquiry from a community member regarding her mother’s Bernina 430 Anniversary Edition with very little usage. Please contact me if you are interested.
Are you sewing Christmas gifts for friends and family? The weather certainly gets me in the mood for the gifting season. Hope you are having fun now that deadlines aren’t as pressing.
Happy sewing!
It’s Back in January – The Brown Bag Hustle!
Last year was a remarkable year for the Brown Bag Hustle, so we have a lot to do to keep up the pace. Once you have caught your breath from the business of our smashingly successful quilt show, start bagging up your donations! Include those items that you didn’t finish for the show and donate them.
We take anything and everything you wish to give including fabric, thread, batting, stuffing, rulers, patterns, quilt books, sewing equipment, lamps, yarn and knitting things, ribbon, lace, fat quarters, and yardage. You have been so generous in the past and we’re looking forward to a repeat!
DATE & LOCATION: Tuesday January 16th, Grace United Methodist Church in Lake Bluff
TIME: 5:00 p.m. for members to drop off their own donations; 6:00 p.m. the brief meeting begins with the hustle immediately following!
RAFFLE TICKET PRICES: 6 for $5; 15 for $10; 20 for $15; and 35 for $20
Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards will be accepted
There will be no guest fee for attendees who aren’t members, so invite everyone!
Donna Fitzgerald, Ways & Means
Last Chance: Birthday Blocks – 2024
Since everyone was focused on the Quilt Show, I am going to extend the sign-up deadline for the Birthday Block Exchange by one week. The sign-up deadline is now November 7, 2023.
Don’t miss out on the fun! Pictured is an example of what the finished quilt can look like.
How do I sign up? Birthday Block Sign Up Form
How does the Birthday Block Exchange work?
In November, I will send out a list of all the members who are participating in the Birthday Block exchange including their birthday month, fabric choices and instructions on how to make the blocks.
Each month you will make two blocks for all the participants who have a birthday that month based on their preferences.
In your birthday month, you will receive blocks from all the other members participating in the exchange.
Any questions, contact Enid Mattimiro - Birthday Block Coordinator.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance as of September 1, 2023 - $30,902.33
Income: $924.18
Expenses: $2,036.90
Ending balance as of September 30, 2023 - $27,789.48
Income was from Raffle tickets, Retreat and Membership
New checking account added for Boutique during the show - $2,000.00 (Starting balance must be maintained to avoid bank charges)
Expenses were for Programs and credit card fees.
Respectfully submitted, Madge Pierce, Treasurer
Membership Report
We have two new members from the Quilt show! Please welcome Jill Gordon from Libertyville, and Katherine Culbertson from Grayslake. Three other ladies expressed an interest in membership during our show, so we are following up with them. A big shout out to Emily Erwin, who joined last month and came to the quilt show ready to work all day Saturday!
Beginning November 1st through April 30th, 2023, dues are $25 for the remaining 2022-2023 fiscal year. Invite a friend to join our fun. We love new members!
If you have any questions about VQ Membership, please contact Andrea Krier or Sharon Pierluissi.
Happy November Birthday to the following members:
Patti Carrington - 11/29
Erika Eddy - 11/20
Ginny Flock - 11/4
Judy Hillebrand - 11/3
Gwendolyn Jaeger - 11/18
Kimberly Jurco - 11/19
Barbara Peterson - 11/16
Barbara Schober - 11/19
Yolande Sherrod - 11/26
Patricia Swank - 11/12
Caren Vollrath - 11/5