August 2022
/Program: Are You Ready To Hustle? Brown Bag Hustle Returns!
Donna Derstadt, Erica Jarrett, Madge Pierce, Yolande Sherrod, and Jo Bailey pose with vintage items which will be available at Brown Bag Hustle.
After a long absence, our Brown Bag Hustle is returning and will be bigger and better than ever! The Ways and Means committee has been working hard, and the event will feature the usual array of items from your sewing room stashes, along with many additional items recently acquired from the estates of talented quilters.
The Hustle will feature the Brown Bag Raffle, Silent Auction, and valuable Cash & Carry options. One major change from previous events is the fact that guests are invited – the more the merrier! In fact, there is so much exciting merchandise available this time that we actually need members to bring guests (there will be no guest fee)!
Here are the particulars:
DATE & LOCATION: Tuesday August 16th, Grace United Methodist Church in Lake Bluff
TIME: 5:00 p.m. for members to drop off their own donations; 6:00 p.m. the meeting and hustle begin
RAFFLE TICKET PRICES: 6 for $5; 15 for $10; 20 for $15; and 30 for $20
Remember to be prepared for Silent Auction and Cash & Carry Options
Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards will be accepted
Invite your friends! See you then! If you have any questions, contact Donna Fitzgerald.
What’s Happening with Programs and Workshops
Baravelle Spiral from the September workshop.
We had a lot of fun at our July meeting chatting with Karen Brown of Just Get It Done Quilts and doing her informal quiz to find our individual quilting style. What is your quilting superpower? Are you a Visionary, Healer, Warrior or Teacher when it comes to quilting?
After 2 ½ years of only having virtual workshops, it was so wonderful to see all our fellow workshop attendees in person at our July workshop, Quilting with Rulers. With the help of the rulers, I just might be able to get the hang of this free motion quilting.
August Program: No speaker this month so we have plenty of time to shop at the Brown Bag Hustle!
August Workshop: Since we only had one person sign up for each session, we have decided to cancel the Sewing with Kids workshops.
September Program: We will be meeting in person to hear RaNae Merrill present her program, Lessons I’ve Learned from My Quilts!
September Workshop: Sign up now to participate in the In Person workshop with RaNae Merrill, Simply Amazing Baravelle Spirals with Painless Paper Piecing.
Christine’s Chatter
What a great lecture we had with Karen Brown. I have enjoyed her YouTube videos for quite some time. Were you able to identify what kind of quilter you are? I am most definitely a (1)! I also recognized of a few of you in the descriptions of other quilter types. I really enjoyed hearing about what drives us as quilters and how we are all very different. I think that’s what makes us a special breed of crafters.
Our August meeting will be in person. I love it when we can gather and share some time together! In this time of technical advancement, we have had the ability to meet virtually but there’s nothing quite like seeing all of you in person. This is our long-awaited brown bag auction. I have tried to clean out my sewing space and gather items that no longer serve me but may be someone else’s treasure. There will be some great things as we haven’t had the opportunity to do this for almost three years and I know the pile in everyone’s quilting space is growing. Please be aware that we will not have Show & Tell at this meeting because there just isn’t time. We will have a short business meeting and then you will all have a chance to buy tickets to bid on things. This time you can also use a credit card.
I hope you have started planning and sewing a red and white quilt for our show next October. Kathy Avellone is our Quilt Show Chair, and she may be calling on you to serve in some capacity!
As I write this, there is a flurry of activity in our house as we are preparing for vacation in Northern Michigan. As time permits, I would love to see some local quilt shops with my oldest daughter who is a blossoming quilter.
Have a wonderful August, stay cool and keep on stitching!
Christine Tindell, President
Quilts for Cooper and Luke Roberts
We are planning quilts for Cooper and Luke Roberts, the twins injured in the July 4 tragedy in Highland Park. Cooper is a Milwaukee Braves fan, and Luke is interested in bee keeping. If you are interested in working on this project, please email Barbara Schober.
Cooper’s quilt will be a combination of 16-patch blocks in light (think sky blue) and dark blue, and pieced baseball blocks. To make the 16-patches, cut 3” squares, using blues that read as solid (NO novelty etc.). The finished block will be 10”. These 16-patches can be prepared now and brought to the August meeting. Do not trim your blocks.
We will have fabric and patterns for the baseball blocks at the August meeting. We will be giving you the background, and ask you use a white-on-white or solid white for the baseball and a solid red for the laces. Please keep in mind that red fabric has a miserable tendency to run so MAKE SURE YOURS IS WASHED!
Original quilt pattern for the blocks for Cooper’s quilt, from Cluck Cluck Sew.
Luke’s quilt has bee blocks, using paper piecing. We will provide the pattern and the blue background. We ask you use yellow and black for the bee’s body and your own creative choice for the wings and head.
Sample of the block for Luke’s quilt.
Erica Jarrett and Barbara Schober
Quilt for Aiden
After the Highland Park July 4 tragedy, member Jocelyn Galloway immediately jumped into action and received permission from the family of 2-year-old Aiden, whose parents were killed that day, to make a quilt specifically for him. Word travelled quickly in our Village Quilters Facebook page, and more than enough blocks were donated by our members!
The quilt is in the process of being sashed with white and quilted. A big thank you goes to Jocelyn for her efforts in organizing this! Below is a photo of some of the donated blocks.
Advance Programs 2023-2024
2023-2024 sounds like a long time away but it will be here before we know it! We are hoping to have some great teachers visit our guild. However, we would like your help.
At the August meeting, a chart will be circulated listing a variety of suggestions for workshops. We ask that you take a look and mark what type of workshop you would like to attend. There is a place at the bottom of the form for other ideas you might have. We value all suggestions!
For future ideas, please contact one of us by email or by filling out the “Speaker Suggestions Form” on the Village Quilters website. Many speakers offer more than one class, so please be specific with the class you are interested in taking.
Looking forward to a great year!
Stay well and QUILT ON…
Kathy Sorkin & Cheryl Mercy
2023 Quilt Show News
Planning for the Village Quilters of Lake Bluff/Lake Forest 2023 Quilt Show is underway. It takes many hands to create and execute a successful show, so please volunteer to be part of a committee!
You may volunteer as an individual or with a partner – even a trio is welcome. Meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month beginning in January 2023. The location is to be determined, but will be at either Grace United Methodist Church or Freemont Public Library.
Many thanks to the members who have agreed to take on the following tasks:
General Committees
Art Quilt Challenge: Volunteer (s) needed
Boutique: Barb Jolley and Madge Pierce
Cataloging: Enid Mattimiro and Kearstie Grenier
Check In/Check Out: Feather Schroeder
Hospitality: Celia Stratman
Publicity: Jocelyn Galloway and more Volunteers needed
Quilts of Valor: Cheryl Mercy
Silent Auction: Donna Derstadt and Liz Greenhill
Staffing: Andrea Krier
Vendors: Volunteer(s) needed
Raffle Quilt
Design and Creation: Donna Derstadt and Kate Klein
Appraisal: Judy Hillebrand
Travel: Volunteers needed
Raffle Ticket Sales: Volunteer needed
Show Production Committees
Floor Plan/Quilt Placement: Kate Klein
Mark Floors: Madge Pierce
Equipment: Madge Pierce
Set Up/ Take Down: Sue Minster
Meeting Scribe: Peggy Schemenaur
If you have any interest in volunteering for one of the open positions or are curious about what each position entails, please contact me. I am happy to tell you about the various committees and their related duties. Putting the show together is a very collaborative process. Please join all the other wonderful member volunteers in making the 2023 show a success!
Kathy Avellone
2023 VQ Quilt Show Chair
2023 Raffle Quilt Preview
The raffle quilt is progressing, thanks to all who helped by preparing the appliques and piecing the courthouse steps blocks! Here’s a sneak peek. We love how it’s looking!
We hope to have kits ready to distribute at the August membership meeting to paper piece the colorful pineapple blocks. If you’re interested and able, please pick one up!
Kate Klein and Donna Derstadt
Treasurer’s Report
Balance as of 5/31/22: $29,725.16
Income: $1,330.80
Expenses: $1,247.14
Ending Ledger Balance as of 6/30/2022: $29,808.82
The guild generated income from membership dues and workshop fees. The guild incurred expenses in programs and web hosting.
Respectfully submitted, Donna Derstadt, Treasurer
Membership Report
We currently have 88 members. Invite a friend to join our fun!
If you have any questions about VQ Membership, please contact Andrea Krier or Sharon Pierluissi. The current membership directory is on the website. Please check and let us know if there are any mistakes.
Happy August Birthday to the following members!
Liz Culver – 8/14
Sally Evanshank – 8/4
Nancy Giebel – 8/30
Liz Greenhill – 8/17
Alice Hutchinson – 8/1
Laura Partridge – 8/1
Gayle Springer – 8/1