Quilt Show News — Two Weeks to the Show!
/We are on the countdown to our Show! It has been a journey, from not knowing if it would be possible to now, two weeks until the show. Everyone has worked very hard to have this happen. Our online quilt raffle tickets sales are over $4,000 as of today! It has been an easy way to sell tickets and to extend our buying area. We have over 200 quilts in the show and many donations for the Silent Auction and Boutique. This show will also have a New Members table, to encourage interest in joining our guild. Quilts of Valor will have 7 or 8 presentations on Saturday afternoon.
If you are concerned about being at the show, we will have signage requiring masks for entry. There will be masks available at the door, hand sanitizer throughout the venue, and a shield at the Boutique. There has been a lot of excitement from those we have met at the Farmer’s Markets. If you haven’t already seen it, we have an awesome sign in front of Canlan Sports, created by Margaret Martin!
The Guild meeting on September 21 will be a review of the setup process on Wednesday and Thursday, September 29 and 30, presented by Sue Minster. Sue has experience setting up shows from working Paducah and Houston. Each of the various chairs will have information for you regarding their jobs and any help they may need. PLEASE MAKE A POINT OF ATTENDING THIS IMPORTANT MEETING at the Grace United Methodist Church in Lake Bluff, at 7:00 pm. Masks are required and chairs will be spaced appropriately!
Our schedule for Wednesday, September 29, is to start at 7:30 am to mark the floors. Tables will be delivered at 9:30 am and washed to be ready for setup on Thursday, September 30. We could use a couple of strong men or women to move them for washing. Movers will deliver the equipment from Nancy Smith’s house. There is always need for more help marking the floors.
Madge Pierce and Barb Jolley, Quilt Show Co-chairs
Quilt Show Set-Up
We will begin set up at 8:00 am on September 30th. So far, I have only two people who have indicated they are willing to be ladder climbers and that is not enough. (No one over 80 is allowed to climb a ladder as a safety precaution.) We need you to bring 4ft, 6ft, and 8ft ladders if you have them. Please mark your equipment with your name. If you have wagons or carts, they are needed for moving equipment and quilts. It takes an entire village to set up the show and we need everyone's participation. Husbands and unemployed adult children are also welcome to help.
Sue Minster, Set Up/Take Down Chair
Silent Auction
Ladies, we are getting close and we need donations for the Silent Auction. We have half of what we need. We could use more Halloween or Christmas items. Small items, table toppers, runners, etc. Thank you for your help.
Liz Greenhill and Donna Derstadt, Silent Auction Co-chairs
Tomorrow’s meeting, September 21, is the last day to turn in donated items for the Boutique sale at the show. All donated items will be priced by Judi Young, Laura Partridge, and Barbara Peterson.
Be sure to sign up for at least one shift in the Boutique during the show.
Label every item that you are selling. Return unused price tags when checking in.
Fill out the first three columns of the Inventory Sheet. If using codes, indicate on Inventory Sheet. Make extra copies of the Inventory Sheet as needed.
Judi Young, Laura Partridge, and Barbara Peterson, Boutique Co-chairs
Quilt Appraisals
Our quilt show is around the corner and there is still time to sign up for a quilt appraisal. The quilts we create are valuable, even if we consider ourselves to be beginning quilters. Wouldn’t it be fun to find out a quilt’s value? An appraisal is an interesting experience, especially if you have never had one before. Please contact Judy Hillebrand to schedule a time or to ask questions.
Judy Hillebrand, Quilt Appraisal Chair
Staffing Committee Needs You!
Thank you to the members who have volunteered for the show. If you have not signed up yet, or can offer more of your time, we have openings in key areas. Please consider volunteering for the following:
Vendor Hospitality on Friday, 9:00-11:30
Raffle Quilt Sales on Friday, 11:30-2:00
Silent Auction on Friday, 2:00-5:00
Silent Auction on Saturday 9:00-11:30
Boutique on Saturday, 11:30-2:00 and 2:00-4:00
In addition to helping with show set-up on Thursday, September 30, every quilt member is expected to volunteer for AT LEAST TWO time slots. Boutiquers are expected to fill one volunteer slot in the Boutique and two additional slots somewhere else.
Check the Members' Show Info page to sign up. Scroll down and you will see the section, "Sign Up to Volunteer at the Show", and a button that will take you directly to the SignUp website. We have a variety of jobs to be filled and need all members to participate.
You do not need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.com. SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
If you have any questions about the job descriptions or need assistance signing up, please call me.
Barbara Schober, Staffing Chair