July 2019
/Speaker: Jane Sassaman, Under the Influence
Tuesday, July 16, 2019, at 7:00 PM
We had a fantastic program last month with Bill Kerr of Modern Quilt Studio. His workshop was outstanding! We not only learned about using large scale prints, but also a great deal about color choices and designing quilts as well. It was a great experience.
Our July speaker, Jane Sassaman, is equally well-known, not just locally but internationally. She has designed fantastic fabric and thread lines, and her presentation, “Under the Influence”, is meant to show us a new way of seeing that will enrich our quilts and our lives. This program is open to the public for just a $10 guest fee, so if you know of a friend who loves Jane’s quilts, why not invite them to the meeting?
Her workshop, “Moths and Moons”, still has several openings. The cost is just $50 (the same workshop would cost much more elsewhere) and you can register and pay for it online at our website. There will be an $18 pattern fee payable to Jane the day of the workshop, and you may use your own fabrics or buy a kit from her. To learn more about Jane and the workshop, visit janesassaman.com.
Looking ahead, on August 20th we have another internationally known quilter coming to the Village Quilters: Laura Wasilowski of Artfabrik.com. Known for her teaching and beautiful hand-dyed fabric and threads, Laura’s work combines vivid fabrics and whimsical stories with fusing, hand embroidery, and machine quilting, resulting in her unique style of art quilt. She will be presenting a workshop as well, “Woven Flower Basket Quilts”. We still have a number of openings for this workshop and it is open to the public. The cost for the workshop is $50 (register and pay online at our website) and there will be a kit for this one for $25 payable to Laura at the workshop.
Please join us for one of these wonderful programs and workshops and stretch your creative muscles while enjoying the company of your fellow quilters. No matter which teacher you choose, workshops with the Village Quilters are always fun!
Kathy Avellone and Kearstie Grenier, Program co-chairs
News from the President
Hello friends,
Could summer be here? Ignore the daily rain showers, and pretend that you are in Florida! Then yes, summer is here.
Kudos to Barb and Edie, who contracted Bill Kerr, and to Kearstie and Kathy for hosting such a great speaker. If you were at our June meeting, you were treated to a terrific presentation. His workshop on Wednesday was equally educational and inspiring. The participants learned new words for referring to color and ways to put together fabric and colors to get the biggest pop. He shared ideas and suggestions for making modern quilts, but many of his ideas are useful to quilting of any kind.
Kudos to me because I have entered two quilts for our quilt show, and I have two more ready for binding. My 12-inch challenge quilt is in the queue and I think that too will get done. Don’t think for a minute that this is my normal production. I think that I am showing off because I’m the president! With some, give a title and it goes to her head.
A guild member called to tell me that she had already entered four quilts, but that she had a couple more that she would like to enter. She asked if that would be okay. I encouraged her to enter as many as she wanted. If we all do that, the quilt arrangers will suffer the dilemma of trying to decide which quilts would be shown or where to put them all. Then we could all brag that the Village Quilters are so amazing “that we just didn’t have enough room to show off all the beautiful work our guild does!”
I hope to see you all at our July meeting, and until then… Quilt ON!
Marti Austin, President
Bee Information from Marti Austin, President
If you are attending a bee for the first time, it is a good idea to contact the person listed. Since these locations are not in homes, but in churches or banks, the bee might not meet because of an activity previously scheduled; i.e., vacation church camp, board meetings, or dinners.
1. Sunshine Quilters: This group meets every third Thursday in the basement of the State Bank of the Lakes, 50 Commerce Drive, Grayslake, IL. This bee is open to those who wish to meet from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm although most show up around 1:00 pm, but not always. You may bring hand work or your machine. The contact person for this bee is Kathy Heusinkveld.
2. Gurnee Community Church, 4555 Old Grand Ave, Gurnee, IL. A group meets every Friday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Contact person is Mary Dietz. You will need to contact Mary to get the code to enter the building.
3. SteepleStitchers has been meeting for 25 years. Erika Eddy wrote…We would currently welcome new quilter friends on Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, for hand work (no machines), at Faith Lutheran Church on Deerpath Road and Route 41 in Lake Forest (680 Deerpath Road). Before you join us for the first time, please contact Erika Eddy or Feather Schroeder. We need a special code to get into the church. Looking forward to having you join us.
4. Liberty Quilters meet at the First Presbyterian Church, 219 West Maple Ave, Libertyville, IL. This group meets on the second, fourth, and fifth Wednesdays of each month. They meet from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Contact person for this group is Dorothy Roderick.
5. A bee with a modern bent meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the basement of the State Bank of the Lakes, 50 Commerce Drive, Grayslake, IL. This group is not a VQ group but Christine Tindell and Celia Stratman attend this group and would like to see others from Village Quilters join. Contact Christine.
6. New Bee - Machine Quilting Kathy Sorkin would like to start a new bee about free motion machine quilting (FMQ). Many of us are new to quilting by machine and this would be a good place to practice and exchange ideas. The bee will meet on the third Thursday of the month in the basement of the State Bank of the Lakes, 50 Commerce Drive, Grayslake, IL. The room is available beginning at 9:30 am, which is when Kathy will arrive. The first meeting will take place on July 18th. If this sounds interesting to you, contact Kathy.
Quilt Retreat News – October 18-20, 2019
There’s good news and bad news. The good news is that there is still excitement to attend a Village Quilter’s retreat. That means we have filled all of the slots. The bad news is that there are still members that want to attend. A waitlist has been started. In the past we have had a few last-minute cancellations, so there is a chance for a few more to attend if that happens. If you want to be added to a waitlist let Sharon Pierluissi know.
So far there are a few that have requested a room at the hotel for the retreat. If you want to reserve a hotel room, please let Sharon Pierluissi know. Further questions? See the retreat web page.
News from the Quilt Show Chairs
The dates for the show are October 4th and 5th, 2019. Marking the floors is October 2nd and setup is October 3rd.
Are you feeling the rush to get things done? I sure am! Just back from Alaska, had a great trip with our grandson for his graduation from high school. Now back to reality. How did it get to be July already? I’m working on boutique items, silent auction items, and two more quilts to finish.
There are 13 confirmed vendors; one more is possible. Publicity for the show will begin in July. Volunteer sign-up will begin soon!
With three weeks remaining to register, we had 72 quilts registered.
All quilts to be hung, including Art Quilt Challenge quilts, must be registered no later than July 16th. That means you have about two weeks to register your quilts. Photos of registered quilts should be sent to Kearstie Grenier by July 21st. If you are making a Quilt of Valor that does not need to be hung, you have until August 31st to register.
Quilt Show News will be arriving in your inboxes later this month.
It is really such a joy to see the registrations and photos come in for the show! Please keep registering your quilts. We are hoping to have over 200 quilts registered by July 16th. We look forward to seeing yours!
Everyone is in full swing for making our best show yet. We have a great group of committee chairs getting things ready. Thank you to all.
Madge Pierce and Christine Tindell, Quilt Show co-chairs
Quilt Expo Bus Trip
We will be chartering a bus to Quilt Expo, in Madison, WI, on Friday, September 6. The bus will depart from the Libertyville Sports Complex, 1950 N. Hwy 45, Libertyville, at 7:00 am. Please plan to arrive by 6:45 am. We will return at about 6:00 pm. The bus is a coach bus with Wi-Fi and a restroom.
We will be offering registration for the bus trip to members and non-members. As this is our first bus trip to Quilt Expo, we hope to fill the bus to capacity of 56. However, if we do not have a minimum of 35 people by August 20, the trip will be cancelled, and your registration fee will be refunded by check. After August 20, all registrations will be non-refundable.
The cost of the trip will be $50.00, which includes your admission ticket. Please contact Barbara Schober for further information. Download the registration form from the home page of our web site.
Material Girl Quilt Shop in Crystal Lake
On Friday, June 28, Quilter’s Destination of Arlington Heights announced that one of their employees, Laura Helvie, has purchased Material Girl Quilt Shop in Crystal Lake. Her last day will be celebrated with an ice cream and cake social at Quilter’s Destination, 945 E. Rand Rd., Arlington Heights, on Saturday, July 13, at 1:30 pm.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance as of 5/31/2019 $22,849.58
Income: $3,281.65
Expenses: $1,417.20
Ending Balance as of 6/28/2019 $24,714.03
Income this month consisted of October Retreat fees, membership fees, and a quilt show vendor. Expenses were for program fees and the Madison bus deposit.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ellin Innes, Treasurer
Welcome to new member Sharon Pokropinski from Schaumburg.
Happy July Birthday to:
Sylvia Bath - 7/28
Ruth Pisani - 7/5
Peggy Schemenauer - 7/9
Deb Sherrock - 7/16
Carol Swartz - 7/10
Kimberly Jurco and Celia Stratman, Membership co-chairs