October 2018
Dear Members,
Hello members - I have 10 people signed up for the October UFO day on October 17 at Faith Lutheran Church. If any more want to join us, please email programs@villagequilters.org.
This NO-CHARGE workshop time is free to all who attend. We just require you to fill in a registration form, so we know how many people to expect. Remember that you will need to provide a lunch and beverage for yourself. There may be a treat table appear from the chocolate fairies so come prepared to enjoy and get it done!
Sewing Machine Maintenance with Jim Diebler? I have 3 people who have signed up to have their machines go back to Racine with Jim after the October meeting. If any others want to send theirs with him, please let me know (programs@villagequilters.org) before October 10. We will call Jim on the 10th to let him know how many machines he will take back with him.
November meeting and Workshop. The meeting will be on November 13 and the Workshop will be on the 14th. This will be the week before Thanksgiving so you will be able to enjoy this guest speaker before the holidays. Mary Jo Busch will be talking about color and how to mix and blend them. What works and what works better.Sign up now to save a table at the workshop to make your own color quilt. Get those color thoughts working for you.
Barb Jolley
News from the President
October is here. Fall weather means less time outside and more time in the house, hopefully quilting. That is my plan... quilt.
I have lots of projects to work on. Valli Schiller, Patti Hellenbrand, Phyliss Faye and Mickey Depre have inspired me. I’m thinking of a quilt for the Staben House, a Quilt of Honor for our veterans and something for the boutique and silent auction.
Of dear by thinking of these projects, I could feel overwhelmed. Instead I will think... how lucky I am to be have the eyes, fingers and creativity to tackle these projects.
I could think, oh dear, I can’t do ALL of these projects. Instead I will think… I’ll do the best I can, to do the most that I can. If I fall short, life will go on.
I could think, where will I get the material and time to do all of these projects? Instead I know... I have plenty of material, thread and ideas and I know that I spend way too much time on the internet!
So to myself, I say, get busy. I will spend time doing what I love to do, quilting, and hopefully I’ll get things done.
Village Quilters Retreat Update
There are thirteen seats remaining for the October Retreat. Sign up today!! Don’t miss the fun.
Hilton Garden Inn Lake Forest Mettawa
26225 North Riverwoods Boulevard
Lake Forest, Illinois
October 26-28
Friday 8:00 A.M until Sunday 6:00 P.M.
$75.00 registration cost. This fee covers the rental of the ballroom for three days and your GOODY BAG!
Bring you sewing machine, basic sewing supplies, and projects that you wish to work on.
What you need to do to sign up for the retreat.
Register on line. $75.00 (non refundable)
If you want to rent a room at the hotel for the weekend, email Marti (president@villagequilters.org) your room preference.
If you would like a double, tell her with whom you will be sharing a room with. Marti will provide the hotel with a master list of attendees. You will pay the hotel directly for your room.
You can check out the Hilton Garden Inn website.
Caution, Quilt Disaster
I just finished making a twin size quilt for one of my nieces in college, all triangles, shot cotton and stripes. then I made the mistake of purchasing Mountain Mist wool blend batting, 80/20 wool/polyester at JoAnn's...
Because she is a college girl, I washed it in warm water with color catchers. When I open the washing machine I saw a DISASTER. The batting was coming straight through the front of the quilt. (I filled a gallon bag with the batting) My quilt also shrunk like crazy, very uneven.
One photo is the quilt as it came out of the washing machine, the other is the quilt after I attempted to pull off the batting and tried to lay flat on the floor.
Kate Klein
Treasurer’s Report
Balance on 8/28/2018: $32,088.25
Income: $1,528.21
Expenses: $2,004.63
Balance as of 9/25/18: $31,611.83
Respectfully submitted, Laura Partridge, Treasurer
Quilt Show Help Wanted
The dates for Quilts From the Village Show are October 4 & 5, 2019. The deadline for quilt submission is July 31, 2019.
Linda Warren and Mary Dietz have volunteered to do workshops for making items for the Boutique, but we still need someone to act as chair for the Boutique. Also, we need someone to chair Inventory - keeping track of all supplies for setting up the show, as well as arranging for the truck and people to deliver those supplies to the venue and return to storage. This is not a difficult job and only requires your time the week of the show and a short time to review the count of the poles, uprights, feet, and drapes and rent the truck, tables and tumbler.
Our first quilt show meeting will be November 27, 7:00pm at the Fremont Public Library, 1170 N Midlothian in Mundelein.
Quilts of Valor is to be an ongoing part of our Quilt Shows. Cheryl Mercy and Linda Spring will chair this event.
Thanks to all who have stepped up to help so far. Always seems to be the same names. Please add yourself to the list. It is a fun experience!
Madge Pierce and Christine Tindell, Quilt Show Chairwomen
2018 – 2019 Service Project
This year we will make fun quilts for the children who arrive at the Staben Center (a facility in Waukegan for homeless women and their children.) The Staben Center has requested quilts that can be given to any child, regardless of age or gender, so that they always have an appropriate quilt to give to the next arrival.
Since the quilts will be smaller than service quilts we’ve made in recent years, they can be completed by an individual or in collaboration with a friend or small group. Any pattern can be used – perhaps consider the piecing options presented at recent guild meetings and workshops.
We have received a generous contribution of colorful fabrics that will be available at the meeting for the express purpose of using in a service quilt. Please stop by the table to see if there is something you would like to get you started. Otherwise, you are welcome to use just your own fabrics.
Here are some general guidelines:
Youth appropriate
Minimum size of 36” x 40”
Maximum size of 60” x 85”
We look forward to everyone’s participation in the guild’s commitment to providing service to the community. We plan to present the quilts to the Staben House in April.
Membership &Happy Birthday!
Congratulations to our newest member, Katherine Groth from Grayslake! She has enjoyed our meetings as a guest more than once and says she has been made to feel very welcome!
Happy October Birthday to:
Diane Hines: 10/2
Barb Jolley: 10/15
Sue Ann Kuby: 10/26
Myretta Taylor: 10/16
Nancy Zamor: 10/8
If you have any questions about your membership standing, please contact Celia Stratman or Kimberly Jurco.
FREE to who can use them
I have several hundred men’s ties that are looking for a home. Mostly designer ties, imported silk, some cotton. If interested, please contact Erika Eddy.
Upcoming Quilt Shows
Need some inspiration? Check out these (sort of) local shows and exhibits!
Migrant Quilt Project Exhibit
September 15 to October 14, 2018, Weekends
The Migrant Quilt Project is a grassroots, collaborative effort of artists, quiltmakers, and activists to express compassion for migrants from Mexico and Central America who died in the Southern Arizona deserts on their way to create better lives for themselves and their families. Materials used in the quilts were collected at migrant layup sites used for rest and shelter on established trails in the Sonoran Desert.
Each Migrant Quilt lists the deaths for a specific federal fiscal year, coinciding with the U.S. government’s record-keeping. The name of each individual who died that year is inscribed on the quilt, with the word “unknown” or “desconocido” used to designate an unidentified person’s remains. You can see one of the quilts in a recent Chicago Tribune article about the exhibit.
The exhibit is on display through October 14 at the Urban Edge Gallery in downtown Waukegan. Earlier this year, the quilts were part of the exhibit "Beyond the Border Wall: The Migrant Quilt Project," at the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, Massachusetts, and next year the Migrant Quilt Project will travel to the International Quilt Study Center & Museum at University of Nebraska.
Urban Edge Gallery
Gallery hours: noon to 5pm every Friday, Saturday and Sunday
220 W. Clayton Street in downtown Waukegan, Illinois
Parking is available in a municipal parking garage on the same block.
Prairie Star Quilt Show
Friday and Saturday, October 12, 13
Dupage County Fairgrounds
2015 W. Manchester Rd.
Wheaton, Illinois
Website: www.psqg.org
Needles and Threads Quilt Show
Saturday and Sunday, October 20, 21
Washington Park Fieldhouse
5531 S. Martin Luther King Drive
Chicago, Illinois
Website: www.ntqgchicago.net