April 2018
/April Program: Annual Meeting and Potluck
Tuesday, April 17, 2018; 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Join us Tuesday, April 17, at 6:30 for our very busy annual meeting. We will eat delicious food, get lots of business done, but more importantly, we will share a good time with our new and old friends. Due to the anticipated length of this meeting, there will be NO Show and Tell.
This event begins with a potluck dinner. Members are to bring salads and the board members are to bring desserts along with a beverage.
Nominations and the election of board members for the 2018-19 year will take place at this meeting. We will vote on next year’s budget. Please see the articles on the slate of nominees and the budget.
Iron Quilter quilts will be turned in and voted on at this meeting as well. This will take the place of our usual Show and Tell. See the Service Committee Update that follows for details. Don’t forget to bring your quilts for the Staben House and Eddie Washington Center. Representatives of these organizations will attend to receive the quilts at the meeting. Let’s welcome them with armloads of beautiful quilts!
Service Committee Update
We are really looking forward to the April 17, 2018 Annual Meeting and the presentation of our quilts to Staben House and Eddie Washington Center. Lety Castellanos from Staben House and Marc Jones from the Eddie Washington Center have been invited to speak about their organizations and accept the quilts from us.
As in the past Village Quilters will vote as to who will win the IRON QUILTER trophy and the winner will be announced following dinner.
This year, this is how it'll work. You will receive your Official Voting Chip during dinner. Each eligible quilt (those made with mystery fabric) will be displayed on a table with a Brown Bag in front of it. To facilitate viewing of the quilts, bring your quilt(s) to the meeting with the front side folded out and visible. As you peruse the quilts, vote for your favorite by putting your chip in its attendant bag. The quilt with the most chips in its bag wins. So, make sure you get your chip and vote.
I’ve been asked – what should I put on the quilt label? I’d suggest you include –
- name of the quilt (IF you named it);
- name of pattern you used and pattern designer;
- your name (as individual or group/bee)– as one(s) sewing the top, plus your city of residence (ok to put your first name and last initial since it’s going to someone you don’t know). Also, include you are a member of Village Quilters of Lake Bluff/Lake Forest (IL);
- name of your quilter and city of residence (again – ok to only put first name and last initial);
- date (year) of completion;
- not required, but it’s nice to include laundering instructions.
Sample Label for Iron Quilter
As your Service Committee, we want to also take this opportunity to thank each and every member of The Village Quilters for their wonderful support the past two years. We enjoyed every minute of it! The outpouring for the Quilts of Valor was wonderful. And the commitment to the Staben House and Eddie Washington Home is heartwarming and so appreciated... not only by us, but by the recipients of your beautiful treasures.
Deb Sherrock and Cheryl Mercy
Service Committee
President’s Letter
Our March meeting with Susan Cleveland was a real treat. Susan’s lecture was informative and fun. Her class was also a huge success. Thanks to everyone for coming to Faith Lutheran.
There is so much going on at the guild at this time of year. Plans for next year’s programs and the UFO challenge were mentioned at the March meeting. Please take the time of review the information on these events. I am looking forward to the UFO challenge and workshops to make a dent in my stash. You are also starting to hear about the 2019 Quilt Show committee. It may seem far away, but this event requires all of our efforts. Christine and Madge are asking for volunteers for the committee. If you are interested in a specific position, they will be happy to give you more information.
The April meeting is our general meeting, and signifies the end of our fiscal year. For me this means the end of my two-year tenure as your President. I would like to thank our Board and Committee Members who have served over the past two years. They made my job easy. It has been my pleasure to serve the guild, and to become better acquainted with many of you. The slate of new officers is a wonderful group, and I know our guild will be in excellent hands.
Happy Quilting,
Barbara Schober
Treasurer’s Report
Short Summary of the Proposed Budget for 2018-2019
Projected Total Income: $7,700
Projected Total Expenses: $10,780
Net Loss for 2018-2019 Program Year: $3,480
Cash Balance EOY 2017-2018 (as of 3/29/2018): $30,637.39
Projected Income includes: Quilt Show net proceeds, Membership Dues including guest fees and name tags, Ways & Means including Brown Bag Hustle, and Workshop Income.
Projected Expenses includes: Programs, Rent- monthly meetings, Insurance, P.O.Box fee, Accounting, Tax Services, Secretary of State filing fee, Bank fees, Libib online library fee, Domain name & hosting, Service, Socials (net after fees charged), Membership expenses, Office supplies/Postage, Historian, Ways & Means, Friendship (formerly Sunshine)
Editor’s Note: The detailed proposed budget was prepared and submitted by the Treasurer, Judi Young. It is in a format which cannot be reproduced accurately here. Please click the link to download a pdf of the more detailed Proposed Budget for 2018-2019. It shows the breakdown of income and expenses by category.
Nominations for 2018-2019
The 2018-2019 Executive Board and Committee Chair slate is filled. Here is the list:
Executive Board
President – Marty Austin
V.P. Membership- Celia Stratman and Kimberly Jurco
V.P. Programs – Barb Jolley and Edie Hirasawa
Advance Programs – Kearstie Grenier and Kathy Avellone
Secretary - Sue Minster
Treasurer – Laura Partridge (2018-2019)
Assistant Treasurer – Mary Ellen Innes (Treasurer 2019-2020)
Newsletter – Kate Brennan
Member-at-large – Barb Schober
Quilt Show Chairs – Christine Tindell and Madge Pierce
Historian – Kearstie Grenier
Library – Christine Tindell and Maggie Schmude
Ways and Means – Donna Fitzgerald, Tera McBlane, and Heidi Stark
UFO Challenge (Birthday blocks on vacation)- Nancy Smith and Edie Hirasawa
Friendship – Claire Machinist
December Social – Jo Bailey
April Potluck – Sylvia Bath
Service – Peggy Schemenaur and Andrea Krier
Webmaster – Margaret Martin
Submitted by Linda Spring, Member at Large
Quilt Show Update
The raffle quilt sewing has begun! Confident paper piecers, please see the next article on how to volunteer your help.
Thank you to all those who have signed up to chair committees for the show. We can’t do a show without our Valued and Valuable Volunteers!
We are still looking for volunteers to chair:
- Set up/ Take down
- Layout
- Boutique
Please consider helping out with one of these committees. You don’t need to do it all alone. Co-chairs for any of these positions are welcome. We really need your help. Meetings will start in the fall. To volunteer, contact Christine Tindell or Madge Pierce.
Update from the Raffle Quilt Committee
What’s this? It’s the start of the 2019 Raffle Quilt. Barb Peterson, Barb Jolley, Kearstie Grenier and Andrea Krier have been planning, drafting, designing, coloring, shopping, cutting, and making packets to turn all this planning into a work of art.
We are looking for confident paper piecers to join us in an afternoon of sewing.
Friday, April 20, 12:30-on
Thursday, April 26, 12:30-on
We will be sewing at my house so you will need, a machine, small cutting mat, and rotary cutter. Email and I will send the specifics! Email: Andrea Krier (agcksilverdog@gmail.com), Barb Peterson (barbara1116@comcast.net). Thank you. We are so excited!
Andrea Krier
UFO Challenge 2018-2019
The “Birthday Blocks” committee has chosen to issue a challenge instead of doing a block exchange. And what a challenge it is!
Rumor has it that many of us have at least one Unfinished (Quilty) Object in our sewing rooms (also known as a UFO). Our challenge is to dig out those UFOs, list them, then proceed to finish as many as possible. A finished UFO must be “done done”: quilted, bound, and labelled. This group challenge runs from May 1 to April 30. Any quilty project you have started (must have some cutting or sewing done by you) as of the end of April will count as a UFO. To enter, submit your list along with 2 fat quarters of quilt shop quality fabric (no novelty or Christmas fabric, please) to the Challenge Chairs, Nancy Smith and Edie Hirasawa. At the end, there will be a drawing from the names of those who finish their projects to win the fat quarters.
This is just a short summary of the process. For a complete explanation and rules, and to download the form for listing your UFOs, please visit the guild web page and choose Challenges from the Members menu, or follow this link: https://www.villagequilters.org/challenge/.
Let’s rise to the Challenge and clear out those UFOs. This is the year!
Programs: Looking Ahead
The new program year starts in May. We have some great programs coming up that will help us bust our stashes and get those UFOs “done done”. Here’s a quick look at the programs for the next three months (we hope to have the full calendar up on the site by the end of April).
Speaker: Valli Schiller, My Life in Quilt Years
Valli Schiller has been making quilts since 1990, right around the time she discovered rotary cutters and computerized sewing machines. She's an avid sit-down machine quilter who loves experimenting with new techniques and sharing them with others. Valli’s quilts have won multiple awards, including blue ribbons at the Houston International Quilt Festival and the AQS show in Paducah.For "My Life in Quilt Years" Valli presents a slide and trunk show of ~20 quilts. As she shares the stories behind them, we'll laugh, we'll cry, we'll experience the common threads that bind all quilters. With quilts ranging in style from traditional to modern, there's something for everyone.
Workshop: Valli Schiller, Confetti Ninepatch
The Confetti Ninepatch quilt is a great way to have fun with your fabrics – ALL of them! The more fabrics (even the oddballs), the better. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn several methods for rotary cutting and machine piecing scrappy nine patch blocks with speed and precision. We’ll explore lots of design variations. You’ll have the option to trade fabrics for even MORE variety in your quilt. The workshop handout has step by step instructions and yardage/cutting charts for crib through king sized quilts.
Program: Members Teaching Members
Workshop: UFO Day! No fee for this one, but you must register. Come and get started on getting those UFOs “done done”. If you’ve registered for the Challenge, this is a great opportunity to make some headway. If not, please bring a work in progress and sew with us. It’s always fun to get together and sew!
Speaker: Phyllis Fay, Studio 180 Design Tools
Phyllis Fay is a former teacher who has combined her teaching background with her love of quilting, particularly scrap quilts. She will show us a collection of the many ways Studio 180 Design Tools can be used and the various designs that can be produced with them.
Workshop: Phyllis Fay, Mastering The LeMoyne Star
Master Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Design Rapid Fire® Lemoyne Star tool. This is a technique class. Use this tool to increase the ease and precision of making Lemoyne star blocks. Both the basic technique and the strip-pieced block will be covered.
Coming Soon: New Historian Project
In the coming year, the guild historian will be starting to develop a digital archive of the materials collected over the many years the Village Quilters have been in existence. In addition to the increase in the 2018-2019 budget (for new storage media and related expenses) this will require time, effort, and cooperation of guild members to make the archives relevant and meaningful. If you are interested in guild history, or if you are a long time member, or if you are a techie, we’d love to have you join the Guild History committee. Further details and initial sign up will be presented at the May meeting.
Kearstie Grenier, Guild Historian
Do You Know Who Made This?
Looking for the origin of this lovely needlework won at this February's Brown Bag Hustle. Close-up on right shows beautiful detail.
I won this at the brown bag auction in February and want to find out the provenance of this beautifully embroidered piece. I think it might come from Eastern Europe and took an incredible amount of time to create.
Erika Eddy
We welcomed four guests and 59 VQ members at Susan Cleveland’s very interesting presentation at the March meeting. Our favorites were the super cool hot binding and the clever prairie points.
May 1, 2018 starts the new membership year for Village Quilters. The membership fee is $50* but you save $5 if you renew by April 30. There are several options for renewal. All renewals require 2 steps: (1.) filling in a registration form and (2.) submitting a payment. Your registration is not complete until you have submitted the form and paid the fee..
To register online or pay your dues with your credit card, follow the "Join Us" link under the Members tab. Click on the green "Join or Renew Online" button and you'll be taken to a page where you can complete the membership form online or download a pdf of the form to mail. Scroll down the page to pay your dues online or for instructions to pay by check.
(To pay using a credit card, follow Option 1. Pay online your membership dues and click the ADD TO CART button. A shopping cart icon should in the upper right corner of the browser window. Click it to view your cart and checkout as you would for any online purchase.)
You may also renew your membership by filling out a paper registration form at a meeting and paying by cash or check… $45 at April meeting/$50* after April 30.
*$25 for Active Military or Spouse.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Carol and Patricia
Birthdays in April
Peggy Williams, 4/5
Erica Jarrett, 4/6
Linda McCabe, 4/20
Margaret Martin, 4/21
Edythe Hirasawa, 4/28
Mary Ellin Innes, 4/30
Enid Mattimiro, 4/30
Birthdays in May
Emmy Moore, 5/1
Ann Kohn Keil, 5/2
Patricia Warren, 5/7
Donna Derstadt, 5/10
Marti Austin, 5/13
Joan Lagedrost, 5/13
Eloise Williams, 5/16
Kate Brennan, 5/18
Claire Machinist, 5/19
Celia Stratman, 5/19
Carol Miller, 5/20
Penny Petitclair, 5/20
Donna Lechowicz, 5/22
Amy Parker, 5/27