November 2017
/Speaker: Cheryl Sleboda, “Working Weekly - Staying Inspired”
Tuesday, November 14, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Cheryl Sleboda will inspire and entertain us with her lecture, “Working Weekly – Staying Inspired” - How small quilts helped me find my artistic voice.
Note: This program is on the second Tuesday of the month, not the third due to Thanksgiving.
Cheryl will share with us her year long journey, showing us how working small can help us define our artistic visions and make us better quilters. We will enjoy a Powerpoint presentation to see the small quilts with big detail and then view the actual size quilts in a ‘mini’ trunk show.
Cheryl works in the comic book industry by day and is a fiber artist by night. She is fascinated by the intersection of technology and textiles. Juxtaposing heirloom techniques in modern quilts is a part of her design aesthetic. She uses cutting edge technology like LEDs, microprocessors, or circuitry, combining design and innovation to create her truly unique fabric art.
Cheryl has appeared on Quilting Arts TV numerous times and her work has appeared in Quilting Arts and Generation Q magazines.
You can see some of Cheryl’s work and get a better idea of her individual vision on her website, Click the Artwork menu at the top of the page.
President’s Letter
Thank you all for your contributions of time, quilts, hard work, and good humor, to make this the best quilt show we have had. Christine Tindell and Madge Pierce, with their committee, deserve our special appreciation. This group worked for a year to bring our show together. We received many compliments from visitors on the quality and variety of the quilts.
Congratulations to our Viewers Choice Award winners: Kate Klein (double winner!), Claire Machinist and Dorothy Roderick.
The Quilt of Valor presentation was a highlight of the show. Deb Sherrock and Cheryl Mercy planned the very moving presentation. It was a pleasure to meet the veterans and their families at the DAR reception following the presentation. Thanks to Donna Fitzgerald and the DAR for planning the reception.
Coming up in the next few months will be our November program with Cheryl Sleboda (on the 14th, the second Tuesday due to Thanksgiving), the December Holiday party, January Ways and Means event, and February Members Teaching Members.
Happy Quilting,
Treasurer’s Report
Submitted by Judi Young, treasurer
Balance on 10/1/17 $24,673.90
Income (10/1/17 –10/30/17)) $9976.75
Expenses (10/1/17 – 10/30/17)) $3801.39
Balance as of 10/30/17 $30,849.26
Income for this period came mainly from the quilt show:
Appraisals = $145.00
Boutique = $1762.42
Admissions = $4114.00
Raffle Baskets = $160.00
Raffle Quilt = $909.00
Silent Auction = $2446.00
Other income came from 5 new members, guest fees and name tag fees.
Expenses for this period were for numerous quilt show expenses, our October speaker, Denise Havlan, and Faith Lutheran Church space rental for August & October workshops.
Silent Auction
A big thank you to all who donated items for the Silent Auction. So many lovely items were contributed and they brought in a lot of profit for the guild. We couldn't have done it without your generous support!
Thank you so much to all of you who contributed to the Boutique for this show and allowed us to have so many beautiful items and such a variety to sell. We thought the
Boutique looked gorgeous and it was because of all your hard work that we were able to be so successful. Whether you helped at a workshop and/or donated an item to sell, we sincerely appreciate your efforts.
We have some lovely items that we will be offering for sale before the November meeting. Come early and shop for Christmas. We will sell from 6:30 to 7:00p.m., so bring cash or your checkbook and take advantage of the fabulous choices.
Linda Warren and Mary Dietz
Thank you...
from the Service Committee
We would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your interest, commitment and dedication with our Quilts of Valor project. We thank you, and the honored Veterans thank you.
Eleven of the 12 veterans in Lake Zurich who were awarded quilts in 10/23, made by VQ guild members.
Following the quilt show, I (Deb Sherrock) received all the remaining Quilts of Valor (QOV)... and have already awarded 16 of those quilts. On Sunday 10/22, a Vietnam era veteran who served in the Marines and his daughter, who served in the Navy in the early ‘90’s both received their QOV. On Monday 10/23, Linda Warren, Mary Dietz, and Laura Partridge assisted in awarding 12 QOV to members of the Lake Zurich American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. On Monday 10/30, two additional quilts were awarded to veterans from Lake Zurich.
You can nominate a Veteran at any time to receive a Quilt of Valor. Go to the Quilts of Valor Foundation (QOVF) website ( and click on the button at the center of the page “How to request a Quilt of Valor’ or go to the “take action” tab at the top of the page and click on “Request a Quilt of Valor.” Complete the required information and submit it. Your request will be sent to the QOVF state coordinator for the state of residence of the Veteran. If you were the nominator, you will be contacted by a representative from the QOVF to arrange the details for the awarding of the quilt.
Two more quilts made by VQ members, awarded 10/30 in Lake Zurich.
I am contacted by Rita Pennington (IL State QOV Coordinator) two to three times a month asking if I am available to award a QOV to a Veteran in Lake County, IL who has been nominated via the QOVF website. I either use an ‘at the ready quilt’ or I use a QOV top that was given to me (with backing and batting) to quilt that I then bind and label for presentation.
You do not have to make the quilt that you ask to be awarded to a Veteran you nominate. In Illinois (my only experience) there are many ‘quilts at the ready’, waiting to be awarded.
Quilt Appraisals
Thank you to everyone who signed up for an appraisal (or two, or three) at our quilt show. We kept Sandy Schweitzer pretty busy during the two and one-half days. Sandy conducted 29 appraisals and wrote a check payable to the guild for $145.00 (the five dollars per appraisal that she donates to our guild).
I hope you are all pleased with your appraisals and will consider getting appraisals at the next quilt show. Sandy enjoys our show very much and thinks it is one of the best quilt shows in the area.
Judy Hillebrand
Hanging Day and Takedown Thanks
Thanks to the members who helped set up and take down the show. This was our second show with the black drapes, and I think we now have a good system for handling this extra equipment.
Of course, the smooth setup and dismantling of our show would not have been possible without the willingness of our Crew Captains to spend additional time learning the details of the process. Many thanks to Judy Hillebrand, Erica Jarrett, Lorraine Potts, Rae Bradley, Barb Peterson, Marti Austin, and those who stepped in at the last minute. Your leadership made this possible.
And thanks also go to those ladder-climbers and other members who attended the Hanging Day Training session, and Linda Spring and Celia Stratman for demonstrating quilt-hanging at the September guild meeting.
Special thanks go to Maggie Schmude, my second in command. She was a valuable sounding board for revising this process.
The additional assistance from family members was greatly appreciated, especially those strong backs on takedown day!
Margaret Martin
We welcomed five new members in October: Sally Evanshank from Park Ridge, Elizabeth Ann Hamlin from Lake Bluff, Monica Larson from Lake Forest, Linda McCabe from Park Ridge, and Dianne Siekmann from Mundelein!
The roster has been updated and is available on the Members Only page. Please review your information and let us know if anything has changed or is incorrect. Thank you.
We enjoyed Dianne Havlan's presentation in October and are looking forward to seeing show and tell quilts from the workshop... or maybe one you just quilt on your own!
Carol and Patricia
Happy Birthday!
November Birthdays
Judy Hillebrand, 11/3
Ginny Flock, 11/4
Barbara J. Peterson, 11/16
Kimberly Jurco, 11/19
Barbara Schober, 11/19
Erika Eddy, 11/20
DeAnna Elliott, 11/21
Betty Holleman, 11/23
Yolande Sherrod, 11/26
December Birthdays
Heidi Stark, 12/4
Christine Tindell, 12/11
Cathy Tucker, 12/13
Kathy Sorkin, 12/14
Kearstie Grenier, 12/16
Jo Bailey, 12/17
Sue Leslie, 12/23
Sharon Pierluissi, 12/23
Rae Marie Bradley, 12/26
Donna Fitzgerald, 12/27