Quilt Show News: 2 Weeks to the Show

Publicize the Show

Now is the time to get those bookmarks to your friends and family. Most people come to the show because they have been directly invited, so start reminding everyone that the show is the second Friday and Saturday in October at the Libertyville Sports Complex (near the intersection of Routes 137 and 45).

Silent Auction

The Silent Auction committee met and priced, labeled, and made bidding sheets for all entries. We have 57 beautiful quilts for the auction. They will be displayed for bidding on Thursday evening before the show. Thank you to all who contributed, and remember that we will accept donations up to the morning of the show.

Check-In and Check-Out

Check-In will take place on Thursday, October 12 between 7 AM and 10 AM. Please attach your 4" x 6" Identification Card to the lower left hand corner of the back of each quilt with two safety pins. You may ask a friend to bring your quilt. We will not be able to accept quilts after 10 AM... so please be prompt! 

Check-Out will commence only when all the quilts and and racks have been dismantled and the truck has been loaded. We hope as many Village Quilters as possible will participate in taking down the show, so that it may happen swiftly and smoothly. Thank you!

Quilt Appraisals

The quilt show is around the corner and there is still time to sign up for a quilt appraisal. The quilts we create are valuable even if we consider ourselves beginner quilters. Do you have a quilt at home that your grandmother created? Wouldn’t it be fun to find out its value?  Please call or email Judy Hillebrand  with questions or to sign up for an appraisal. 

Wagons and Step Stools Needed

If you own or can borrow a wagon, please bring it on Hanging Day. You will be able to store it securely in the Hospitality Room during the show.

Sturdy three-step stepstools are perfect when hanging quilts, so even if you can't use it yourself, don't hesitate to bring one for someone else to use. Lightweight (aluminum) stepladders are also needed, and we can always use more mallets.

Label everything with your name and phone or email.


Sign up now for your volunteer shifts. Remember, each member is asked to fulfill two shifts to keep our show running smoothly. We need your help!

Wanted: some gals to watch over the quilts after set up until the close of the Sports Center on Thursday. Part of the time is OK. Hours are 2pm - close at 10 pm. Lots of time to get some quilting done. Contact Carol Swartz.

Also, don't forget to wear your name badge to the quilt show.


Apologies! Several names were left off the list last week, so please check the Members Show Info page to see what you signed up to bring. A light lunch of rollups will be provided for setup workers on Thursday. See you there and Thanks!

Learn to Hang Quilts on October 8

All guild members are invited to learn how to hang quilts with our new black drapes on Sunday, October 8 at 2:00 p.m. We will meet at Nancy Smith's house (check the roster for the address). Please carpool if you can; parking is limited. Send questions to Margaret Martin  (webmaster@villagequilters.org).

More Ladder-Climbers Needed

We need more people who are willing and able to climb ladders to hang and take down our show. Right now, we’ve only got enough to form 5 crews; the 2015 show had 7 crews. Please contact Margaret Martin (webmaster@villagequilters.org) if you can help.


Featherweight for Sale

Singer Featherweight sewing machine with card table, case, and accessories. Asking $300. Must sell soon. Contact Madge Pierce for information.
