September 2016
/Speaker: Catherine Redford, "Lessons Learned While Quilting"
Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Join us for an inspiring, informative, and entertaining evening as Catherine Redford presents her program “Lessons Learned While Quilting”. This lecture and trunk show promises to be all that and more!
Catherine Redford took her first quilting class at Stitches and Stuffing in Naperville. There seemed to be a lot to learn. Five years later she started teaching classes at Pieceful Heart Fabrics in Lisle, continuing until the shop closed in June 2013. She now teaches and speaks at Guilds around the country.
A member of the quilt guild, “Riverwalk Quilters Guild,” she has served as program chair, vice-president, co-chair of “the Gathering” committee, and also a 2-year term as president. She is a member of the Fiber Art Divas, an art group that meets at Naperville Art League and of PAQA, the professional art quilt group. In 2012 she co-founded the Naperville Modern Quilters Guild to further explore the modern quilt aesthetic.
She has appeared on Quilting Arts TV, is a regular contributor to Modern Patchwork magazine, and the author of two Modern Machine Quilting QATV workshop DVDs.
Her style could be described as “eclectic”, but she is known best for her originality and innovation, particularly in the realm of free-motion quilting and embellishment.
See for more.
Workshop: "Walking Foot Quilting—Beyond the Ditch", Catherine Redford
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 - 9:00am - 4:00pm
Catherine Redford teaches ways to quilt using the walking foot that go beyond just "Stitch in the Ditch".
Learn to finish your quilts on a domestic machine while enjoying all the control of your walking foot. Brief discussion of preparing your tops for quilting including marking and basting. Make stitched samples of different styles including modern grids, matchstick quilting and spirals. Finish with a look at Catherine’s work. Be inspired to turn your tops into quilts.
The supply list is available from Mary Dietz.
This workshop is now open to the public.
President’s Letter
Summer has flown and I hope you all enjoyed vacations and spending time with loved ones. I visited family in the U.P. of Michigan, and found great fabric at $6 a yard on the way. That is a win/win.
Our Board met last week and plans are moving ahead for the quilt show. There are a few key positions to be filled on the quilt show committee. This is a great opportunity to become more involved with the guild, and to contribute to the success of our show. Please contact Christine Tindell or Madge Pierce for more information.
Time to think about the quilts you plan to enter into the show. Now that the weather will be cooler, it is a great time to quilt.
Happy Quilting,
From the Treasurer
7/25/16 Balance: $26,446.04
Income: $566.50
Expenses: $1,173.58
8/25/16 Balance: $25,838.96
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Partridge, Treasurer
VQ Celebrates Octoberfest with Service!
The Village Quilters ready to begin making the March Madness 2015 Quilt of Valor!
OCTOBERFEST is coming to the Village Quilters! The October meeting plans to be a fun filled Fest... with fabric, fun and food. Last year the Service Committee hosted MARCH MADNESS ... setting the bar pretty high to cut, piece and complete a Quilt of Valor quilt top in less than 2 hours. We reached our goal and everyone who participated had a great time.
Well, it isn't March and Madness has not quite set it... but it is October and the Service Committee is confident that the Village Quilters will rise to the occasion and once again complete a quilt top, which will be quilted for the Quilts of Valor presentation during the 2017 Quilt Show.
Group that stayed to finish with the March Madness 2015 Quilt of Valor!
Sign-up sheets for the Octoberfest Challenge will be available at the September meeting for members willing to volunteer to be a Cutter, a Runner, a Stitcher or a Presser. Members can also volunteer to provide a little something for the refreshment table. The Committee will be providing the cake, coffee and tea. If you won't be at the September meeting, please contact Cheryl Mercy ( with your volunteer information. Not sure about volunteering? No worries... just come anyway... the evening also needs "Cheer leaders" to spur on the progress... and you can always bring one of your own UFOs.
Plan to arrive EARLY, by 6:00 for set up (sewing machines, cutting mats, ironing boards, etc.) The meeting will begin PROMPTLY AT 6:30 with a short business meeting. We aim for a 7:00 kick off time.
If you have any questions, please contact Deb Sherrock or Cheryl Mercy.
Pay for Your Workshop Online
We are proud to announce that, as of September, Village Quilters will be accepting major credit cards for payment of workshop registrations. Simply choose Workshop Registrations under the Programs menu and you'll be taken to a page where you can select your workshop.
Not sure what workshop you've signed up for? Check the list on the Members Only page.
Hope to see you soon at one of our workshops!
Birthday Blocks - Last Chance!
For anyone who missed signing up for the birthday block activity at the August guild meeting, your information can be e-mailed to Nancy Smith by September 10. Include your birth month and color choice (a solid color, other color, optional third color). She will compile this information for a spreadsheet which will be on the website. Paper copies of this information will also be available at the September guild meeting. September 10 is the very last day to sign up.
Quilt Show - Looking for Leaders
The date for the 2017 "Quilts from the Village" show will be Friday and Saturday, October 13 and 14 at the Libertyville Sports Complex, the same as the two previous shows with set up on Thursday the 12th and floor taping on the 11th.
The subcommittee chair positions are nearly filled and we are most appreciative of these great people.
Art Quilt Challenge—Celia Stratman
Vendors—Linda Spring
Quilt Appraisal—Judy Hildebrand
Cataloging—Kearstie Grenier and Enid Mattimiro
Hospitality—Sylvia Bath and Jo Bailey
Raffle quilt—Kate Klein, Erica Jarrett and Nancy Smith
Raffle quilt tickets—Dee Elliott, Kathy Avellone
Raffle quilt travel—Donna Derstadt and Lorraine Potts
Silent Auction—Edythe Hirasawa, Alice Hutchinson, Yolande Sherrod
Service—Deb Sherrock, Cheryl Mercy
Staffing—Carol Swartz and Laura Partridge
Set up/Take down—Margaret Martin
Layout—Barbara Schober will chair, and Marge Rockenbach is willing to serve. Kate Klein will advise
Boutique—someone is thinking about this position and Judi Young will share her knowledge of the workings of this important fundraiser.
We still need volunteers for Publicity chair. This is a job that easily could be filled by two or more people. It includes writing and submitting press releases to the media, taking and/or arranging for publicity photos, writing/editing copy and consulting with Margaret Martin on the bookmarks and posters, and coordinating the distribution of said bookmarks and posters. Kearstie Grenier is willing to advise and post to social media. Most publicity work is done in the last 4 months before the show. As a team, we can do this. We just need a leader or two. Publicity is critcal to our success… we really need your help with this!
Many of you may be breathing a sigh of relief, thinking that you are off the hook. Don't get too comfortable, because these capable chairs will be recruiting you to serve with them. These jobs are by no means done by just one. Start thinking about where you would fit in to assist.
We will start meeting in November of this year, and will not meet in December due to the holidays but will meet monthly starting in January of 2017. Meetings will be held the second Tuesday of the month, location to be announced.
This guild puts on one of the best shows in the area and is the primary source of funding for programs throughout the two years.
Please contact us if you are willing to serve,
Christine Tindell and Madge Pierce, your 2017 quilt show co-chairs
What Size or Type Is That Needle?
Do you use Schmetz needles? Did you know that Schmetz is color coding their home sewing needles? Since 2013, most needles now have two bands of color. You may want to download their color code chart. It explains how to read the colored bands on a needle so you know what type it is and what size. Visit to download a handy pdf.
Remembering Judy...
Two former VQ members: Judy Peterson (standing, left) and Dee O'Meara (standing, right) at an IQI Quilt-In.
Recently the guild was offered the opportunity to assist the family of Judy Peterson. Judy had been an active member of Village Quilters until her illness forced her to step down as Librarian. Judy passed away in 2015, and her husband, George, passed in August. I had known Judy since we were both members of Illinois Quilters, before we joined Village Quilters. Judy was an excellent quilter and was interested in many specialty areas of quilting, such as embroidery, crazy quilting, Japanese quilting, and quilt history. Judy’s collection of books, numbering 400+, reflected those interests.
The family asked us to visit their home and go through her fabric and book collections, and remove any sewing related items that we wished. There was a time restraint of just a few days to accomplish this task, and a number of members visited the home. Some of Judy’s fabric will be used in various charity projects, including Habitat for Humanity and Harbor House, which teaches young, disadvantaged women to sew.
One of Judy's outstanding quilts, hanging in her dining room.
The quilt shown here is one of Judy’s and was hanging in her dining room. It is quite modern and stunning to see in person.
Barbara Schober
Welcome returning members: Peggy Miller and Carol Quille!
REMINDER: Let us know if your address, e-mail, or phone number changes so we can update the roster.
Carol and Patricia
Happy Birthday!
September Birthdays
Nancy Smith, 9/5
Feather Schroeder, 9/12
Lorraine Potts, 9/15
Alice Wynn, 9/16
Tera McBlaine, 9/17
Linda Spring, 9/17
Maggie Schmude, 9/18
Cheryl Kucera, 9/20
Laurie Waldron, 9/24
Mary Dietz, 9/26
October Birthdays
Barb Jolley, 10/15
Myretta Taylor, 10/16
Marge Rockenbach, 10/23
Mirre Nenn, 10/24
Sue Ann Kuby, 10/26
Newsletter Submissions
Have something you’d like to share with other members? Submit your write up to newsletter editor Kearstie Grenier via email by the 25th of the month for inclusion in the next newsletter. Digital photos are a great addition if you have them, just attach them to the email.