May 2015 Supplement

We had a few urgent reminders that didn't make it into the May newsletter. By way of apology, look at the wonderful colors captured in this photo from Thailand!

color by kakade (contact), unmodified, available under [CC BY 2.0]

color by kakade (contact), unmodified, available under [CC BY 2.0]

Raffle Ticket Reminder

If you have not picked up your raffle tickets yet, please try to do so at our next meeting. It is the expectation that every member will take $25 worth of tickets to sell. If you wish more tickets, they will also be available at our meeting. Please contact either Kathy Avellone or Dee Elliott at any time for more tickets. Remember the sale of raffle tickets is a major part of our budget.

Borders of Many Kinds Challenge

Is your border quilt quilted and ready for Show & Tell at the May Meeting? We will do a group Show & Tell and will be ready to enter them in the Village Quilters Quilt Show for a group showing. It will be really nice to see them all hanging together.

Kate Klein


Come help sort SCRAPAPALOOZA fabrics at Gayle Springer's house, 701 Morningside Drive, Lake Forest. 

THURSDAY, MAY 21 from 1-3 pm
FRIDAY MAY 22 from 10-noon

Please call, 847-234-0701 or email that you are coming. Thanks.

Gayle Springer


Boutique Now Accepting Donations

Want to donate a few items to be sold in the Boutique at this year's show? No need to have them cluttering your sewing room! Judi Young will accept them at any guild meeting and will store them until the show.

Looking for Apron Patterns?

Try these links: