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Speaker: Linda Halpin, "Quilting with Laura Ingalls Wilder"

Quilting with Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Story of Quilting in the Years of Laura’s Youth, presented by Linda Halpin, is our June program. 

February 7 marked the 150th anniversary of Laura Ingalls Wilder's birth, and for Little House on the Prairie fans, this is a year marked with celebrations. On July 12-14, Laurapalooza , the conference for all things Little House related, will be held in Springfield, Missouri. The Village Quilters will celebrate Laura Ingalls Wilder, too.

Linda Halpin has long been fascinated by Laura Ingalls Wilder. She has written seven quilt books, one which is a collection of patterns inspired by Laura’s adventures. She also has been commissioned to make several quilts with a Laura Ingalls Wilder theme. Linda’s trunk and slide show will illustrate quilts as Laura would have known them, tracing the history of quilt making during Laura’s life. This presentation will include Civil War era quilts as well as reproductions quilts and contemporary quilts from Linda’s collection.

Linda began sewing doll clothes at the age of six and later graduated to making all of your own clothes. When she later discovered quilt making, she had a “healthy supply of scraps” waiting to become quilts. Linda is a graduate of the Embroiderer’s Guild of America’s Teacher Certification Program in Quilt making. She is certified by the Embroiderer’s Guild of America as an Instructor in Quilt making. Linda has been teaching quilt making for over forty years. She is the author of seven quilt making books. She has served as chairman for several national associations, curated numerous quilt exhibits and has judged at regional exhibits. If you would like to learn more about Linda, check out her website at

If you would like to learn more about Laura Ingalls Wilder visit Sarah Uthoff is a respected authority on Laura Ingalls Wilder.